 Shen Yaozi 
International codeLR8

He (water) point.


When the knee is bent, there is a depression above the end of the transverse crease on the inside of the knee.


Ququan (LR8) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
The medial part of the knee, at the end of the medial crease of the flexed knee, at the posterior edge of the medial epicondyle of the femur, in the depression at the anterior edge of the insertion ends of the semitendinosus and semimembrane muscles.
  • Lingshu‧Benshu: "Under the fibula and radius, above the big tendons, it is obtained by bending the knees";
  • Waitai Miyao: "Bend your head with your knees bent."


  • Muscles: Semimembrane muscle, anterior to the insertion point of semitendinosus, posterior edge of sartorius muscle, gracilis tendon, medial head of gastrocnemius muscle.
  • Nerve: There are pit nerve and obturator nerve in the superficial layer, and the tibial nerve can be reached deep in the popliteal fossa.
  • Vessels: the great sagging vein, the superior genicular artery, and the popliteal artery and vein can be reached deep into the popliteal fossa.


Take the knee-flexed position and perform perpendicular insertion 1 to 1.5 inches toward the popliteal fossa. If you feel a pulsating sensation under the needle, you should stop the insertion to avoid injury to the artery. moxa cone moxibustion 3 to 5 times, moxa stick warm moxibustion for 5 to 10 minutes.


clearing liver heat, removing dampness-heat.

  • Classical: minor abdominal pain, diarrhea, seminal emission, impotence, vaginal pain, prolapse of uterus, pubic itching, difficulty urinating, ischuria, hernia, female hernia, dizziness, loss of appetite, vulvofemoral pain , knee and shin pain, body heat and inability to sweat, mania.
  • Modern: hypertension, nephritis, prostatitis, prolapse of uterus, vaginal inflammation, and vulva pruritus.


  • The patient noted blood: Wuli, Ququan (LR8).
  • Hernia: Jimai (LR12), Ququan (LR8), Sanyinjiao (SP6).
  • prolapse of uterus comes from: Ququan (LR8), Zhaohai (KI6), Dadun (LR1).
  • ischuria, pain in the stem: Ququan (LR8), Xingjian (LR2).
  • Umbilical pain: Shuifen (CV9), Ququan (LR8), Zhongfeng (LR4).

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