 Shen Yaozi 
International codeLI13

Literal meaning "arm five miles". Hand refers to the upper limb; Li means "inch". The original meaning is that the acupoint is five inches below Tianfu (LU3) (see Suwen‧Qixue Lun Wang Bing's note), and it is also said to be five inches after Chize (LU5) ( Leijing Zhang Jie-bin Note), but it is different from the positioning size. The original name was Wuli. To distinguish it from Zuwuli (LR10), Zhenjiu Zishengjing was named "hand"; Shengji Zonglu It is named with the word "arm".


On the outside of the arm, on the connection between Jianyu (LI15) and Quchi (LI11), Quchi (LI11) 3 inches above.
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "Three inches above the elbow, running inward, in the center of the main vein;"
  • Xunjing Kaoxue Bian: "Zhouliao (LI12) should be in Quchi (LI11). That's it."


  • Muscles: Origin of brachioradialis, anterior edge of triceps brachii.
  • Nerve: dorsal cutaneous nerve of forearm; deep radial nerve trunk.
  • Vessel: Between the superficial posterior edge of the origin of the brachioradialis muscle and the triceps brachii muscle, that is, within the muscle membrane sheath on the superficial side of the intermuscular septum on the lateral side of the arm, there are longitudinal accessory branches of the radial accessory artery and the dorsal branch of the vein. (Accompanies the dorsal cutaneous nerve of the forearm). There are radial accessory arteries and palmar branches of veins deep to the brachioradialis muscle. The brachial artery and brachial vein are about 2.5 inches from the surface of the skin.


Perpendicular insertion 0.5~1 inch.


  • Classical: fullness and pain under the heart, upper breath, wind fatigue, hematemesis, pain in the elbows and arms, sleepiness, limbs cannot move, cold and heat, scrofula, cough, visual acuity, malaria.


  • Scab: Wuli, Binao (LI14).

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