 Shen Yaozi 
drug nameBitter Apricot Seed
aliasBitter Apricot Seed
[Variety Source]

This product is a deciduous tree plant of the Rosaceae family, Prunus armeniaca (Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim.), Siberian apricot (P. sibirica L.), Northeastern apricot ( Mature seeds of P. mandshurica) or apricot (P. armewdeca L.). Mainly produced in Northeast my country, Inner Mongolia, North China, Northwest China, Xinjiang and the Yangtze River Basin. It is the season to harvest ripe fruits, remove the pulp and core shell, dry them in the sun and use them raw.


bitter, slightly warm, slightly toxic. act on lung and large intestine channels.


Relieves cough and asthma, moistening intestines to relieve constipation.


  1. For cough panting. This product mainly enters the lung meridian. It is bitter in taste and can relieve cough and asthma, and it has the property of relaxing and opening up lung qi. It has the function of ventilating lung and relieving cough and asthma. It is an important medicine for treating cough and asthma. A combination of medicinals can be used for a variety of dyspnea syndrome syndromes. For example, for wind-cold cough and asthma, use Ephedra and Liquorice Root to disperse wind-cold diffusing the lung and relieving panting, that is, Three-Unconventional Decoction ; For wind-heat cough, use Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Flower to dissipate wind-heat ventilating lung and relieving cough, such as Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction; dryness-heat cough, with Mulberry Leaf, Fritillaria Bulb, Coastal Glehnia Root, to relieve dryness and moistening lung to relieve cough, such as Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction, lung heat to relieve cough and asthma, use Gypsum to clear the lung and relieve heat, diffusing the lung and relieving panting, such as Maxing Shigan Decoction.
  2. Used for constipation of intestinal dryness. This product contains fat and is moist in texture, but tastes bitter and lowering, so it can moisten intestines to relieve constipation. Often used with Platycladi Seed, Bush Cherry Seed, etc., such as Shiyi Dexiao Fang Five-Kernel Pill .


  1. Benjing "The Lord can with dyspnea thunder, pharyngitis."
  2. Changsha Yaojie: "Bitter Apricot Seed can open up the road, break down obstacles and reduce adversity, It is good at relieving paralysis and relieving asthma...it is not easy to regulate the qi aspect."
  3. Bencao Biandu: "It specializes in descending qi. When the qi falls, the phlegm will disappear and cough will stop. It can moisten the large intestine. Therefore, large intestine qi constipation can be used. ”

[Usage and Dosage]

Decoction, 3 to 10g, should be broken into pieces and fried.


This product is slightly toxic, so the dosage should not be too large and should be used with caution on infants. Overdose poisoning in adults can be fatal.

[Modern Pharmacology]

This product contains bitter apricot seed glycosides, fatty oils, proteins, and various free amino acids.

  • bitter apricot seed decomposes to produce a small amount of hydrocyanic acid, which can inhibit the respiratory center and act as an antitussive and asthma reliever.
  • Experiments on rabbits show that bitter apricot seed can promote the synthesis of pulmonary surfactant in normal animals, and can also improve the pathological changes of oleic acid dyspnea syndrome, suggesting that it may be used clinically for respiratory distress syndrome and other diseases.
  • bitter apricot seed oil has an inhibitory effect on roundworms, hookworms, disease caused by cold bacilli and paradisease caused by cold bacilli, and has a lubricating laxative effect.
  • Overdose can cause poisoning, and an adult taking 55 pills (approximately 60g) may be fatal. Because bitter apricot seed is easily decomposed into hydrocyanic acid in the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration, it is more toxic than intravenous injection.

[Supplementary Medication]

sweet almond: The sweet-tasting mature seeds of some cultivated species of apricot or apricot in the Rosaceae family. It has a sweet and mild taste and functions as moistening lung and relieving cough. Mainly used for consumptive disease cough. Decoct and take, 5~10g.

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