[Preparation method and dosage]
Ephedra (Herba Ephedrae)
de-noded 9gm (3 liǎng) the above 4 ingredients, add 9 shēng of water, boil ephedra first, reduce 2 shēng, remove scum, all the medicines inside, decoted to 2.5 shēng, remove the dross, administer while warm 8 hé, cover, take a little like sweating, no need to sip the porridge , Yu Ru
Guizhifa will die.
releasing exterior with pungent-warm, diffusing the lung and relieving panting.
external exterior contraction cold exterior excess syndrome/pattern. aversion to cold, mild fever, headache, joint pain, breathlessness without sweating, thin white fur, floating and tight pulse.
This formula is one of the representative formulas for treating external contraction in Shanghan Lun and has been widely used throughout the ages. Ephedra is bitter and warm, inducing sweating to releasing exterior, diffusing the lung and relieving panting; Cinnamon Twig releasing flesh dispelling wind, helping Ephedra Sweating; Bitter Apricot Seed Xuan lung qi, enhance the power of Ephedra to relieve asthma, burn Liquorice Root to reconcile various medicine, and prevent profuse sweating damage to fluid. The combined use of various medicines can induce sweating to release exterior, dispelling wind to dispel cold, open the hair orifices striae and interstice, lung qi to clear away, and relieve the evil caused by sweating.
[Key points of syndrome differentiation]
- fever aversion to cold.
- headache pain in the body.
- panting without sweating.
- The pulse is floating and tight.
[Addition and subtraction]
- Cold dampness: Add White Atractylodes Rhizome to dissipate cold and eliminate dampness.
- Also interior heat: Add gypsum to clear interior heat.
- cough: add White Mulberry Root-Bark, perilla leaf, Dried Tangerine Peel, Poria, to resolving phlegm and relieving cough.
[Attention to taboos]
It should not be used if external evils have entered the inside and transformed into heat, or if measles have penetrated, sores and ulcers have ulcerated, or there are symptoms of edema deficiency, vomiting and diarrhea, and water loss.
[Modern application]
This prescription induces sweating, reduces fever, relieves cough and asthma, enhances the ventilation function of the lungs, and relieves tracheal (bronchial) smooth muscle spasm. Used for common cold, influenza, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections, neuralgia, arthritis.