 Shen Yaozi 
International codeBL41
bubble_chart Category

Intersecting point: Waitai Miyao: "Intersecting point of hands and feet taiyang".

bubble_chart Etymology

Attached, attached; divided, separated. Foot taiyang bladder meridian (BL) is divided into two rows under the nape, one of which is attached to Beishu. The cave is at the head of this row, hence the name.

bubble_chart Location

It opens 3 cun below and lateral to the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra on the back, in the depression on the inner edge of the upper corner of the scapula. It is tied with Fengmen (BL12) inside and Jianwaishu (SI14) above.

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscles: trapezius, rhomboids, the deep layer is the iliocostalis (the lungs are inside the chest, when the lower edge of the upper lobe of the lungs).
  • Nerves: lateral branches of the posterior branches of the first and second thoracic nerves, and the deep layer is the dorsal scapular nerve.
  • Vessels: Descending branch of the transverse cervical artery and posterior branch of the second intercostal artery and vein.

bubble_chart Manipulation

oblique insertion 0.5~0.8 cun. It should not be too deep to avoid accidentally entering the chest and injuring the lungs. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 to 7 times, moxibustion with moxa stick for 10 to 15 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

  • Classical: stiffness in the shoulders and back, cold wind in striae and interstice, strong neck pain, back pain in the head, and unkindness in the elbows.
  • Modern: back muscle wind-dampness pain, cervical spondylosis.

bubble_chart Combinations

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