 Shen Yaozi 
International codeBL19

Dannang (EX-LE6) back transport point.


Literal meaning "gallbladder transporter". Yu, Tongtong. The acupoint corresponds to the gallbladder and is the back transport point of the gallbladder.


1.5 inches below the spinous process of the tenth thoracic vertebra ( Zhongshu (GV7) ) on the back.


  • Muscles: between the latissimus dorsi, longissimus and iliocostalis (in the chest when the diaphragm costal sinus and the lower edge of the lungs meet).
  • Nerve: The medial cutaneous branch of the posterior branch of the tenth thoracic nerve, and the deep layer is the lateral branch of the posterior branch.
  • Vessel: dorsal medial branch of the tenth intercostal artery and vein.


Oblique insertion 0.5~0.8 inches downward or to the side of the spine. It should not be too deep to avoid accidentally entering the chest and injuring the lungs. moxa cone moxibustion 3 to 5 times, moxa stick warm moxibustion for 10 to 15 minutes.


Regulating the liver and gallbladder, benefiting the chest and ribs.

  • Classical: Full chest, no vomiting, bitter mouth, dry tongue, fluid retention, inability to eat, hypochondriac pain, yellow eyes, jaundice, pulmonary tuberculosis, vomiting, shortness of breath, bone steaming and labor fever , palpitations, yellow and red spots on the face.
  • Modern: viral hepatitis, acute abdominal pain (including biliary colic), Dannang (EX-LE6) inflammation, biliary ascariasis, gastritis.


  • hypochondriac pain Do not lie down: Danshu (BL19), Zhangmen (LR13).
  • Panic: Danshu (BL19), Jiexi (ST41).
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis: Geshu (BL17), Danshu (BL19).
  • Viral hepatitis: Danshu (BL19), Zhiyang (GV9), Zusanli (ST36), Taichong (LR3) .
  • Dannang (EX-LE6) inflammation: Danshu (BL19), Dannang (EX-LE6) points.
  • Biliary ascariasis: Danshu (BL19), Neiguan (PC6), Yanglingquan (GB34).

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