 Shen Yaozi 
common nameChinese Mosla
[Variety Source]

This product is the whole plant of Chinese Mosla (Elsholtzia splendens Nakai ex F. Maekawa), a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. Mainly produced in Jiangxi, Anhui and Henan.

After the fruit matures, the whole plant is cut, dried, and cut into sections for raw use.


Acrid, slightly warm. act on lung, spleen and stomach channels.


Inducing sweating to releasing exterior, resolving dampness to harmonize the middle, disinhibiting water and dispersing edema.


  1. Used for syndrome/pattern of yin summer-heat. This product is pungent and warm. It enters the lung meridian and can induce sweating to release exterior cold. Its aroma is fragrant. It enters the spleen and stomach and resolving dampness to dispel heat and harmonize the body. Therefore, Chinese Mosla is good at treating summer months by enjoying the coolness and drinking cold, external contraction wind-cold , internal damage to summerheat dampness, aversion to cold with fever, headache without sweating, vomiting diarrhea, syndrome/pattern of yin summer-heat, often combination of medicinals Magnolia Bark, Hyacinth Bean can be used together, such as Chinese Mosla drink.
  2. For edema athlete's foot. This product is pungent and warm, good at stimulating the yang qi, entering the lungs to open up the source, disinhibiting water and dispersing edema. For those with difficulty urinating and athlete's foot edema, it can be used alone or in combination with White Atractylodes Rhizome of medicinals fortifying the spleen and disinhibiting water, such as Zhi Shu Wan.


  1. Bielu: "Maintains cholera abdominal pain, vomits, and disperses edema."
  2. Diannan Bencao: "Produces sweating, warms the stomach, and harmonizes the heart." "
  3. Bencao Gangmu: "The world's doctors use Chinese Mosla drink as the first medicine to treat summerheat disease. However, if you take advantage of the coolness in summer and drink cold drinks, the yang qi will be suppressed by the yin pathogen, and the disease will become headache and fever aversion to People with cold, dysphoria, thirst, vomiting or diarrhea, or cholera should use this medicine to relieve yang qi, disperse water and relieve the spleen. Chinese Mosla is a medicine for releasing exterior in summer months, like Ephedra in winter months, especially for people with qi deficiency. It’s not advisable to take too much.”

[Usage and Dosage]

Decoct and take, 3~10g. To dilute water and reduce swelling, it must be decoctioned thickly.


This product has a strong ability to release exterior with pungent-warm. It should not be used in cases of exterior deficiency sweating and syndrome/pattern of yang summer-heat.

[Modern Pharmacology]

This product contains volatile oil, and its main components are Chinese Mosla diols, sterols, phenolic substances, flavonoid glycosides, etc. Volatile oil has diaphoretic and antipyretic effects, and can stimulate digestive gland secretion and gastrointestinal motility. In addition, it has a diuretic effect.

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