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 Shen Yaozi 
common nameLotus Stamen
[Variety Source]

This product is the dried stamens of Nelumbo nucifera (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) of the Nymphaeaceae family.


This product is linear, with anthers 1 to 1.5 cm long and about 0.5 mm in diameter. Mostly twisted into spiral shape, yellow or light brown, two-chambered, longitudinally split, with yellow mongolian snakegourd root inside. The filaments are filamentous, slightly flat, slightly curved, 1 to 1.6 cm long, brown or tan. Light in texture, slightly fragrant and slightly astringent in taste.


sweet and astrigent slightly warm nontoxic. act on kidney and heart channels.


clearing heart: nourishing the kidneys, nourishing the blood and strengthening the essence.


Seminal emission, hematemesis metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, diarrhea.


It should not be used by those who have difficulty urinating.

[Processing and Storage]

Place it in a lime jar to prevent mildew and moth.

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