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 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameAquilaria, Cinnamon Bark and Aconite Daughter Root Pill
sourceMedical Invention
[Preparation method and dosage]

Aquilaria (Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum) 30gm
Aconite Lateral Root (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata) prepared, de-naveled and de-skin 30gm
Dried Ginger (Rhizoma Zingiberis) prepared 30gm
Galangal (Alpinia offinarum) filed, stir-fried 30gm
Guan Gui (Cortex Cinnamomi) peeled 30gm
Fennel fruit (Fructus Anisi Stellati) stir-fried 30gm
Aconite Mother Root (Radix Aconiti) prepared, de-naveled and de-skin, filed as big as a bean, stir-fried linghuang 30gm
Evodia Fruit (Fructus Evodiae) soaked, washed to remove bitterness, stir-fried 30gm

The top is fine powder, boil the batter with good vinegar and make balls, as big as a phoenix tree seed. Take 50 to 70 pills each time, administer with hot rice soup or warm wine before meals.


warming yang dispels cold, warms the spleen and regulates the heart.


deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, distended ribs, thunder in the abdomen, excessive convenience, complexion, reversal cold of hands and feet; lower energizer yang deficiency, seven hernia pains causing unbearable lower abdomen, lumbar bending Can't stretch, iron with hot objects a little slower.


All formulas are highly popular. Aconite Lateral Root, Aconite Main Root and Dried Ginger can warm the middle and dissipating cold, restoring yang to save from collapse; supplemented by Aquilaria, Evodia Fruit, Lesser Galangal Rhizome warming the middle moving qi to relieve pain; fennel fruit, Cassia Bark warm the lower element. Together they form a warming interior and dissipating cold, warming the spleen and regulating the heart.
