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 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameFive Stranguries Powder
sourceTaiping Huimin Heji Jufang
[Preparation method and dosage]

Red Poria (Poria)
Chinese Angelica (Radix Angelicae Sinensis)
Red paeony root (Radix Paeoniae Rubra)
Gardenia (Fructus Gardeniae)
Liquorice Root (Radix Glycyrrhizae)


clearing heat and cooling blood, diuresis and diuresis.


bladder dampness-heat accumulation. Frequent urination, abdominal distension and fullness pain, epigastric distension and fullness pain, sometimes on and off, overstrain, immediate onset or urine like soy juice, or urine like sand and gravel, or cold shower like ointment or heat stranguria bloody stool.


Red Peony Root in the prescription promotes urination and draining dampness; Gardenia clearing heat and draining dampness cooling blood to remove toxin; Red Peony Root clearing heat and cooling blood; three medicines combined clearing heat and removing toxin, promoting urination and draining dampness, cooling blood and stopping bleeding and removing dampness-heat. Also use Chinese Angelica, nourishing blood and regulating blood; Liquorice Root tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, relieving pain, clearing heat and removing toxin. The combination of five medicines can reinforcing healthy qi and eliminate pathogenic factors. Although its ability to eliminate evil and reduce inflammation is not strong, it takes into account qi and blood, so it is suitable for chronic inflammation of the urinary system or stone disease.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

  1. Chronic urethral pain.
  2. Hematuria.
  3. Urinary stones.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. Acute inflammation: combined with Eight-Ingredient Rectification Powder.
  2. Fiery thirst: Add Talc and gypsum.
  3. dampness-heat jaundice: Add Virgate Wormwood, Skullcap Root.
  4. Difficulty urinating: add Akebia Stem, Stephania Tetrandra.
  5. static blood: Add Peach Kernel, Peony Bark, amber.
  6. urolithic stranguria: Add Sea Gold Sand, Christina Loosestrife or Polyporus Decoction.
  7. blood stranguria: Add Small Thistle, yerbadetajo herb, lalang grass rhizome.
  8. heat stranguria: Add Coptis Rhizome.
  9. Qi deficiency or the elderly: add Ginseng, Astragalus Root, Cimicifuga Rhizome.
  10. bladder heat: combined with Redness-Removing Powder.

[Modern application]

Chronic urethritis, bladder inflammation, urinary tract stones, hematuria, gonorrhea.
