[Preparation method and dosage]
clearing heat and removing toxin, dissipating boil and sore carbuncle.
Various boil and sore poisons, carbuncles and boils. Local redness, swelling, heat and pain, sore shape like foxtail millet, hard root as deep as a cube, red tongue with yellow coating, rapid pulse.
[Key points of syndrome differentiation]
- Those with local redness, swelling, heat and pain due to various swellings and poisons.
- Red tongue and yellow coating.
- Pulse count.
[Addition and subtraction]
- Acute tonsillitis and strep throat: add Yinhua, Forsythia, Great Burdock Achene, Belamcanda Rhizome or For use with Lonicera and Forsythia Powder.
- Cellulitis initial stage [first stage]: Add Chinese Angelica, myrrh, Red Peony Root. It can also be applied externally.
- Acute pyelitis: add Christina Loosestrife, Skullcap Root, Phelloendron Bark, Bupleurum .
- Prevent postoperative infection: add Salvia, Red Peony Root, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome.
- aversion to cold with fever If there are external evils: add Schizonepeta, Mentha, Saposhnikovia Root.
[Attention to taboos]
yin syndrome/pattern It is contraindicated for those with gangrene that is not locally red or swollen.
[Modern application]
Various infectious diseases, cellulitis, acute lymphangitis, acute mastitis, conjunctivitis, pyelitis, urinary tract infection, uterus cervicitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, lung abscess, liver abscess, sepsis , carbuncles, boils, sores, boils and sores and other infectious diseases that belong to heat toxin can be applied with addition or subtraction.