Fang name | Black Tin Pill |
warming interior, relieving dyspnea, improving qi reception and relieving dyspnea, relieving asthma.
Insufficient true yang, failure of kidney to receive qi, excessive turbid yin, upper excess and lower deficiency, phlegm congestion in the chest, abnormal rising of qi panting, reversal cold of limbs, persistent cold sweating, pale tongue with white coating, weak pulse ; Running-piglet, gas rushes from the lower abdomen to the chest, abdominal distension and fullness pain in the chest, hypochondrium, or abdominal pain, efflux diarrhea in men, or cold sperm concentration in men, menstrual irregularities, leukorrhea in women, sterility.
[Modern application]Modern medicine believes that this prescription strengthens the heart, promotes blood circulation, enhances gonad secretion function, and relieves asthma. Mainly used for: bronchial asthma, lung qi swelling, pulmonary heart disease, see abnormal rising of qi panting, reversal cold of limbs, cold sweating, or male sexual inactivity, or leukorrhea, and weak pulse.