 Shen Yaozi 
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Fang namePepperweed and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction
sourceTreatise On Typhoid And Death
[Preparation method and dosage]

Pepperweed Seed (Semen Descurainiae) 10gm
Chinese Date (Fructus Jujubae) 12 pieces

Decocted in water, take 2 times a day, 2 doses a day.


Diarrhea phlegm moves water, downbearing counterflow and relieving panting.

[Modern application]

Modern medicine believes that this prescription can relieve cough, dispelling phlegm and relieve the spasm of bronchial smooth muscle. Mainly used for: lung abscess, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pleural effusion, asthma and cough, chest fullness and pain, phlegm, salivation, yellow and greasy tongue coating, slippery and rapid pulse.

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