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 Shen Yaozi 
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formula nameThree-Layered Fennel Fruit Pill
sourceJingyue Quanshu
[Preparation method and dosage]

First ingredient
Fennel fruit (Fructus Anisi Stellati) salt half liǎng stir-fried brown and salt are weighed together 30gm
Coastal Glehnia Root (Radix Glehniae) washed 30gm
Chinaberry Fruit (Melia azedarach) prepared, pitted 30gm
Aucklandia Root (Radix Aucklandiae) 30gm
Second ingredient
First ingredient
Long pepper (Fructus Piperis Longui) 30gm
Areca Seed (Semen Arecae) 15gm
Third ingredient
Second ingredient
White Poria (Poria) 120gm
Aconite Lateral Root (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata) prepared, peeled navel 15-30gm

First use the first ingredient and grind together into fine powder. The rice paste should be in the form of pellets as big as mung beans. Take 20 to 30 pills each time, warm wine before meals or administer with light salt water, three times a day. Minor illnesses can be cured by one ingredient; for serious illnesses, take the first ingredient and then use the second ingredient. The dosage method is the same as the first ingredient. If it does not heal, take the third ingredient. The dosage method is the same as the first ingredient.


warming the kidney to dissipate cold, moving qi soothing liver, eliminating hernia and relieving pain. Indications: cold abdominal colic, umbilical and abdominal pain, testicles that are too large, scrotum that is swollen and heavy, making it difficult to walk, or the external kidneys are as cold and hard as stone and become larger with each passing day. Any disease that responds to small intestine, cold abdominal colic, old or new ingredients is no more than three ingredients. Mainly used for: indirect inguinal hernia, direct hernia, testicular sheath membrane effusion.

[Modern application]

Membrane effusion, hernia.

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