Literal meaning "thigh gate". Bi, the thigh; Guan, refers to the turning point. The point is near the femoral joint, hence the name.
On the front of the thigh, on the line between the anterior superior iliac spine and the lateral end of the patellar base, when the femur is flexed, the lateral depression of the sartorius muscle is level with
Huiyin (CV1) at.
- Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "On the knee Futu (ST32) in the back cross";
- Yixue Rumen: "In the transverse stripes of the popliteal bone";
- Leijing Tuyi: "Yun One foot and two inches on the knee."
- Muscle: between sartorius and tensor membrane lata.
- Nerve: Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
- Blood vessels: There are branches of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and vein in the deep layer.
Perpendicular insertion 1~1.5 inches. moxa cone moxibustion 3 ~ 5 strong, moxibustion with moxa stick 5 ~ 10 minutes.
Dispelling wind, unblocking meridians, sharpening waist and knees.
- Classical: patellofemoral paralysis, inability to flex or extend, lumbago, cold knees, abdominal pain, numbness in the feet, jaundice, tight tendons in the femoral muscles, sore throat in the lower abdomen.
- Modern: wind-dampness pain, lower limb paralysis.
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