bubble_chart Etymology "Wai" (外), outside; "ling" (陵), bulge. The point is located on rectus abdominis muscle next to navel, hence the name.
bubble_chart Location
Wailing (ST26) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
In the lower abdomen, 1 cun below the navel (
Yinjiao (CV7)), 2 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of 1 cun below Tianshu (ST25).
bubble_chart Anatomy
- Muscles: Rectus abdominis and its sheath.
- Nerve: Tenth intercostal nerve.
- Vessels: branches of the tenth intercostal artery and vein and inferior epigastric artery and vein.
bubble_chart Manipulation
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1~1.5 cun deep. For female sterilization acupuncture anesthesia, Wailing (ST26) can be selected. Insert the needle to reach the fascia, then lift slightly and advance at a 15° angle subcutaneously toward the contralateral Wailing (ST26) for 5~7 cun; Qichong (ST30) follows. After insertion, electroacupuncture is applied for 25~30 minutes before needle removal and surgery. Moxibustion with moxa cone 5 ~ 7 rounds, moxibustion with moxa stick 10 ~ 20 minutes.
bubble_chart Efficacy
Regulate intestine and benefit qi.
- Classical: abdominal pain, hernia, menstrual pain, heart suspension, and pain radiating to the navel and abdomen.
- Modern: acupuncture point for female sterilization anesthesia.
bubble_chart Combinations
- Female sterilization with needle anesthesia: Wailing (ST26), Qichong (ST30).
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