 Shen Yaozi 
International codeST15

Literal meaning "room screen". Wuyi (ST15) refers to the top covering (such as a tent), and the point is on the upper chest, hence the name.


Open 4 inches lateral to the front midline of the chest, in the depression of the second intercostal space. It is the same as Zigong (CV19), approximately equal to the lower edge of the midpoint of the clavicle ( Qihu (ST13) ) and the nipple ( Ruzhong ( ST17) ) the midpoint of the line.


  • Muscles: pectoralis major and pectoralis minor; the deep layers are the inner and outer sides of the second intercostal space.
  • Nerve: Prethoracic nerve pectoralis major muscle branch.
  • Vessels: thoracoacromial artery and vein and branches of lateral thoracic artery and vein.


Subcutaneous insertion 0.5~0.8 inches. moxa cone moxibustion 3 ~ 5 strong, moxibustion with moxa stick 5 ~ 10 minutes.


ventilating lung, regulating qi.

  • Classical: Ruzhong (ST17) Pain, swollen body and skin pain, not close to clothes, excessive sexual intercourse, long-term unkindness, weight loss, wind and itching pain all over the body, scabies, asthma and distension in children.
  • Modern: acute mastitis, breast lump (hyperplasia of mammary gland).


  • There are many painful itches: Zhiyin (BL67), Wuyi (ST15).

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