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 Shen Yaozi 
International codeDU27
bubble_chart Category

This acupoint, Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing attributes it to hand yangming, and Tongren Shuxue Zhenjiu Tujing to governor vessel.

bubble_chart Etymology

"Dui" (兌) is interchangeable with "銳" (rui) , which means sharp; "duan" (端), end or extremity. The point is located at the tip of upper lip, hence the name. Yi Xin Fang describes it as "the sharp tip of upper lip".

bubble_chart Location

Duiduan (GV27) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
On face, at the tip of upper lip, at the transitional area between the skin of philtrum and lip.
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "At the upper end of lip",
  • Yixue Rumen: "At the central peak of upper lip";
  • Xunjing Kaoxue Bian: "At the junction of red and white flesh in the center of lip".

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscle: orbicularis oris.
  • Nerve: buccal branch of facial nerve and branches of infraorbital nerve.
  • Vessels: superior labial artery and vein.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Perpendicular or upward oblique insertion 0.3~0.5 cun. Moxibustion is prohibited.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Clear spirit, discharge heat.

  • Classical: depressive psychosis, scanty and dark urine, dry tongue, stiff lip, pain of upper tooth decay, consumptive thirst, epistaxis, chills and fever.

bubble_chart Combinations

  • Depressive psychosis with frothing at mouth: Duiduan (GV27), Benshen (GB13).
  • Stiff lip, pain of upper tooth decay: Duiduan (GV27), Muchuang (GB16), Zhengying (GB17), Ermen (TE21).

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