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 Shen Yaozi 
aliasSanyangwuhui, Shangtianhui, Tianman, Niwangong, Dianshang
International codeDU20
bubble_chart Category

Intersecting point: Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "Intersecting point of governor vessel and foot taiyang", Leijing Tuyi supplements: "Intersecting point of governor vessel, hand and foot shaoyang, foot taiyang, and foot jueyin".

bubble_chart Etymology

"Bai" (百), hundred; "會" (hui), meet. This acupoint is located on the top of head and is considered the convergence point of entire body, where hundreds of spiritual energies meet.

bubble_chart Location

Baihui (GV20) acupoint
(quoted from "Meridians and Acupoints")
On the midline of head, 5 cun behind anterior hairline, approximately at the midpoint between two ear tips when they are folded forward.
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing: "1.5 cun behind Qianding (GV21), in the center of vertex where there is a whorl of hair, in a depression that can accommodate a finger";
  • Shenying Jing: "5 cun from anterior hairline and 7 cun from posterior hairline";
  • Shisijing Fahui: "Directly above the tips of ears," meaning when auricles are folded forward to reveal ear tips, the point is directly above the center of head.

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscle: galea aponeurotica.
  • Nerve: branches of greater occipital nerve and frontal nerve; intracranially, it corresponds to motor area of ​​cerebral cortex and additional motor area of ​​paracentral lobule.
  • Vessels: anastomotic network of left and right superficial temporal arteries and veins, as well as left and right occipital arteries and veins; deep layers often contain emissary veins.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Insert subcutaneously 0.5~1 cun forward, backward, or toward temporal side. After withdrawing the needle, apply pressure to the area to prevent bleeding and scalp hematoma.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Pacify liver and extinguish wind, tranquilize spirit, awaken the brain, open orifices, improve vision, raises yang qi.

  • Classical: headache, vertex pain, heaviness of head due to wind, bulging eyes, vertigo, irritability, severe palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness, stroke, depressive psychosis, palpitation, opisthotonos, spasm; malaria, tinnitus, diarrhea, constipation, rectal prolapse, tinnitus, deafness, nasal congestion with loss of smell, inability to turn head, fever with sweating and frequent vomiting.
  • Modern: hypertension, hypotension, shock, competition syndrome, depression, neurasthenia, schizophrenia, enuresis, uterine prolapse, chorea, rhinitis, sinusitis, hemiplegia.

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