Literal meaning "back vertex". The point is on the top of the head, behind the Baihui (GV20) point. Hence the name.
5.5 inches above the midline of the head and hairline, 1.5 inches behind
Baihui (GV20), and 1.5 inches below Naohu (GV17) 3 inches.
- Muscle: galea tendon membrane.
- Nerve: branches of the greater occipital nerve.
- Vessel: anastomotic network of left and right occipital arteries and veins.
Subcutaneous insertion 0.3~0.5 inches. Moxibustion is prohibited.
dispelling wind, improving vision.
- Classical: wind dizziness, dizziness, supracranial pain, epilepsy, acne, crazy walking, nape and neck pain.
- Modern: alopecia areata, amnesia, insomnia, hysteria, schizophrenia.
- wind dizziness: Houding (GV19), Yuzhen (BL9), Hanyan (GB4).
- Neck pain, nausea and wind-cold: Houding (GV19), Waiqiu (GB36).
- Top heart pain: Houding (GV19), Yongquan (KI1).
- alopecia areata, Houding (GV19), Fengchi (GB20), Dazhui (GV14), Touwei (ST8).
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