 Shen Yaozi 
International codeLR12
bubble_chart Category

This point is not recorded in Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing but appears in SuwenQifu Lun. It is a intersecting point: According to Leijing Tuyi: "This is indeed the main meridian of jueyin and converges with yangming."

bubble_chart Etymology

"Ji" (急), emergency; 'mai' (脈), pulse. The point is located where the pulse can be felt. SuwenQifu Lun Wang Bing's note: "These two vessels are both major collaterals of jueyin running through here, hence it is called jueyin emergency pulse, which is connected to the testicular system." Leijing Tuyi notes: "This point is missing from all texts following Jiayi Jing, which is an omission... However, this is indeed the main channel of jueyin and converges with yangming."

bubble_chart Location

Located in groin area, lateral to pubic tubercle, below and lateral to Qichong, at the pulsation of the femoral artery, 2.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. It is between Qichong (ST30) and Chongmen (SP12), in the depression of the groin 0.5 cun below and lateral to Qichong (ST30).
  • SuwenQifu Lun: "in the hair of jueyin", Wang Bing's note: "Two and a half cun lateral to the upper part of genitals, pressing firmly reveals a hidden, firm sensation, and deeper pressure causes pain radiating up and down".

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscle: pectineus.
  • Nerve: ilioinguinal nerve; deep layer, branches of the obturator nerve.
  • Vessels: branches of external pudendal artery and vein, pubic branches of inferior epigastric artery and vein; laterally, femoral vein.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Avoid artery and insert perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 to 5 times, moxibustion with moxa stick for 5 to 10 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Moving qi and lift uterus.

  • Classical: lower abdominal pain, hernia, uterine prolapse, penile pain, thigh pain.
  • Modern: testitis.

bubble_chart Combinations

  • Impotence, premature ejaculation: Mingmen (GV4), Jimai (LR12).
