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 Shen Yaozi 
aliasJuegu, Fenrou, Fenjian
International codeGB 38
bubble_chart Category

Jing-river (fire) point. Nan JingDing De-yong notes: "The meeting point of marrow is Juegu, which is the name of a bone. Its acupoint is located four cun above external malleolus, at Yangfu (陽輔)."

bubble_chart Etymology

"Yang" (陽), lateral side; "fu" (輔), external supporting bone, i.e., the fibula. The point is located on the anterior border of fibula on the lateral aspect of lower leg, hence the name. SuwenQixue Lunmentions: "Two points at the division of muscles." Wang Bing's note: "Located above external malleolus, at the end of Juegu, 3 fen in body cun measurement, between the muscles and tendons, where yang link vessel originates." Lin Yi and others, in their newly revised version, note: "According to the Zhenjiu Jia Yi Jing, there is no 'Fenrou' point; based on the location, it is likely Yangfu." Zhenjiu Juying lists it as an alternative name for Yangfu.

bubble_chart Location

Yangfu (GB38) acupoint (引自"Meridians and Acupoints")
On the lateral side of lower leg, four cun above the tip of external malleolus, slightly anterior to the anterior border of fibula, in the depression at lower one-fourth point of the lateral side of lower leg.
  • LingshuBenshu: "Above external malleolus, in front of auxiliary bone, and at the end of Juegu";
  • Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing : "Four cun above external malleolus of foot, in front of auxiliary bone, at the end of Juegu, three fen anteriorly" (SuwenCiyaotong Pian Wang Bing's note: "Five fen posteriorly");
  • Zhenjiu Jicheng: "Between Guangming (GB37) and Xuanzhong (GB39), slightly outward ".

bubble_chart Anatomy

  • Muscle: between extensor digitorum longus and peroneus brevis, extensor hallucis longus.
  • Nerve: superficial peroneal nerve.
  • Vessels: branches of the anterior tibial artery and vein.

bubble_chart Manipulation

Perpendicular insertion 0.5~1 cun. Moxibustion with moxa cone 3 to 5 times, moxibustion with moxa stick for 10 to 15 minutes.

bubble_chart Efficacy

Dispel wind-dampness, fortify tendons and bones, purge gallbladder fire.

  • Classical: chills and fever, soreness and pain, inability to lift limbs, armpit swelling, scrofula, pharyngitis, soreness, Bi-syndrome, and numbness, lumbago, diseases due to various winds, bitter in mouth, hypochondriac pain. head hot as fire, feet cold as ice
  • Modern: migraine, hypertension.

bubble_chart Combinations

  • Syncope: Zhangmen (LR13), Yangfu (GB38), Linwei, If the pulse is faint, apply moxibustion on Jianshi (PC5) or needle Fuliu (KI7).
  • Axillary swelling and saber sores: Yangfu (GB38), Taichong (LR3).
  • Numbness and Bi-syndrome of hip joint and knee: Yangfu (GB38), Yangjiao (GB35), Yanglingquan (GB34).

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