Huangdi Neijing is the foundation of Chinese medicine physiology, pathology,
Acupuncture and Moxibustion,... and other subjects. Those who want to enter the palace of Chinese medicine must understand it, even if there are future generations The play must also originate from this book. Just like classical physics, the three laws of Newton (1643-1727) must be followed, and they have been used for hundreds of years. Even though the later quantum mechanics and relativity theory have emerged, they cannot replace them. However, since each chapter of this book was probably completed during the Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties, etc., the text is ancient and profound, sometimes simplified, and the content still covers ancient astronomy, geography, meteorology, society, politics, mathematics, technology, etc., and is not widely studied. There are various sciences in ancient and modern times, but it is difficult to understand their purpose.
The same book, if you read it with a negative attitude, you will not understand everything; if you read it with a humble and thirsty attitude, you will make sense of it everywhere.
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