| For the personal information you register on this site, this site maintains the security and integrity of your personal information in accordance with the following privacy principles to protect your privacy.
- Use of Cookies
Cookies allow the website server to exchange information with your browser. We would like to remind you that if you choose to reject all Cookies, you may not be able to use some or all of the services on this site.
- Collection of personal information
This site will actively collect your personal information under the following circumstances:
- When you apply to register as a member of this site, this site will ask you to provide your real name, date of birth, email address, gender and other personal information.
- When you participate in various activities organized by this site, in order to meet the needs of the activities, this site will collect your real name, ID number, contact information and other information.
- When you apply to subscribe to this site's newsletter, this site will ask you to provide your email address; if you are already a member of this site, use the email address you provided when registering as the subscription address.
- Use of personal data
You agree that this website or its partners may process, store, transfer and use your personal information within a reasonable scope, including but not limited to:
- Will be used to notify various website activity related results.
- The email address you provide will be used by this site to send newsletters.
- Conduct statistical analysis or use as research material for online behavior.
- Provision of personal data
This site will not sell or lend your personal information to anyone. However, this website will provide your personal information to other people or companies under the following circumstances:
- If you need to provide your information to other people or companies before they can provide you with products or services, your consent will be obtained first. If we do not notify you in advance, these companies have no right to use the personal information provided on this site for purposes other than products or services.
- Requirements by law or government agency.
- To protect the property and rights of this website.
- We find that your behavior on the website violates the terms of service of this website or the terms of use of products and services.
- To protect the personal safety of other members or third parties in emergencies.
- This site suffered illegal intrusion and data theft.
- Link to other websites
When you link to other websites through this website, this website will not be able to provide you with personal information and privacy protection on that website.