[Variety Source]
This product is the dried body of centipede (Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans L. Koch.) of the family centipede. Mainly produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Shaanxi and other places. To catch them in spring and summer, insert bamboo slices into the head and tail, stretch them straight, and dry them; or scald them with boiling water first, and then dry them in the sun or oven.
Acrid, warm. toxic. act on liver channel.
It calms wind and relieves spasm, attacks toxins and dissipates stagnation, dredging collaterals and relieving pain.
- For convulsion. Centipede is pungent and warm, with a good nature and good circulation, and has access to the inside and outside. It has stronger breath internal wind and expelling wind and dredging collaterals than scorpion. The two are often used as mutual reinforcement to treat various causes of diseases. Spasm convulsion, such as Spasm-Relieving Powder. With appropriate combination of medicinals, it can also be used for acute, chronic infantile convulsion, tetanus, apoplexy involving meridians, crooked mouth and eyes, etc.
- Used for sore and ulcer swelling, scrofula subcutaneous node. This product predominates over toxin with toxin and has a pungent taste to disperse stagnation. Use this product with Realgar and pig gall fel combination of medicinals to make an ointment. It is very good for external application of malignant sores and swelling. At the end of the day, apply it to treat scrofula ulcers; if this product is roasted to yellow, grind it into fine powder, take it with boiling water, or mix it with Coptis Rhizome, Rhubarb Rhizoma, raw Liquorice Root is used equally and can also treat poisonous snake bites.
- For wind-dampness obstinate impediment. This product also has dredging collaterals and relieving pain effects similar to scorpion, and can be used with Saposhnikovia Root, Pubescent Angelica, Chinese Clematis Root and other dispelling wind, dehumidification, and dredging drugs can be used together.
- For intractable headache. This product expelling wind and dredging collaterals relieves pain. It can be used with Gastrodia Tuber, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, and white Stiff Silkworm to treat long-term problems. The stubborn header or the biased header.
- Benjing: "Dare to poison snakes, insects, and fish...to get rid of the three insects.",
- Bielu: "Intended to treat confidant Hanre Condensation, early abortion, and removal of bad blood."
- Bencao Gangmu: "Treatment of fright epilepsy, neonatal tetanus lockjaw, erysipelas, baldness, scrofula, bubo, and hemorrhoids in children. fistula disease, snake fistula, snakebite."
[Usage and Dosage]
Decoct and take, 1~3g. Grind into powder and swallow, 0.6~1g each time. Appropriate amount for external use.
This product is toxic and the dosage should not be too large. Pregnant women should not take it.
[Modern Pharmacology]
This product contains two toxic components similar to bee venom, namely histamine-like substances and hemolytic proteins. In addition, it also contains fatty oil, cholesterol, formic acid and polyamino acids such as histidine, arginine and leucine. Centipede has antagonistic effects on convulsions in mice caused by pentylenetetrazol, pure nicotine and strychnine. Centipede water immersion agent has varying degrees of inhibitory effects on subcutaneous node bacilli and various skin fungi. Centipede leech injection has an inhibitory effect on tumor cells and enhances the function of reticuloendothelial cells.
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