 Shen Yaozi 
common nameCalamine
[Variety Source]

This product is carbonate mineral water calptrop base peel zinc ore. Mainly contains zinc carbonate (ZnCO3). Mainly produced in Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hunan and other places. Remove soil and debris after excavation. Preparation and use is called "preparation of calamine". There are methods such as fire lacquer, vinegar quenching, fire forging and then quenching with Sanhuang decoction (Coptis Rhizome, Phelloendron Bark, Rhubarb Rhizoma). Dry and grind into powder before use after grinding with water.


sweet, neutral. act on liver and stomach channels.


removing toxin improving vision, removing nebula, absorbing dampness, promoting muscle growth and reducing sores.


  1. Used for red eye nebula, rotten eye. Calamine is sweet and non-toxic. It can remove toxin, improve vision and reduce nebula. It can also absorb dampness, stop tears and relieve itching. It is an important medicine for external use in ophthalmology. To treat redness and swelling of the eyes, mix equal parts of Foliage Nitrate and dissolve it into water and instill it into the eyes; to treat nebula membrane of the eyes, mix equal parts of alum and mirabilite and dissolve it in boiling water. Warm washing; to treat various blepharitis, it can be used with Ten Great Merits to make eye ointment for external use; to treat various eye diseases, it is often used with borax, borneol, etc., to prepare Eye drops.
  2. Used for ulcer, skin eczema. This product can not only remove toxin, promote muscle growth and reduce sores, but also absorb dampness and relieve itching. To treat ulcers that are not astringent, pus dripping, and skin eczema and cutaneous pruitus, Indigo, Phelloendron Bark, and Gypsum are often used. Grind into powder for external use.


  1. Bencao Pinhui Jingyao: "Mainly used for wind-heat red eyes, itching or pain, gradually developing nebula membrane, and treating lower eczema, adjust the application."
  2. Bencao Gangmu: "Stops bleeding, reduces swelling and poison, promotes muscle growth, improves vision, removes nebula and reduces redness, collects dampness and removes rot; treat all diseases in the eyes with dragon brain point."

[Usage and Dosage]

Appropriate amount for external use. Grinding with water for eye application, grind into powder and sprinkle or mix for application.


This product should be used after processing of materia medica. It is intended for external use and not for oral administration.

[Modern Pharmacology]

This product mainly contains zinc carbonate, combined with carbonates of iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese and cobalt. Calamine mainly contains zinc oxide. Has antibacterial effect. It has the functions of astringent, antiseptic and wound protection.

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