 Shen Yaozi 
common nameCinnabar
[Variety Source]

This product is a trigonal sulfide mineral from the cinnabar family. Mainly produced in Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. It can be mined at any time. After mining, select the pure ones, use magnets to absorb the iron-containing impurities, then use water to remove the debris and sediment, grind with water, dry in the sun and bottle for later use.


Granular or massive aggregates, bright red or dark red, some with grayish-blue streaks of lead on the surface, red to brownish red, not stained when touched by hand, with diamond-like luster, opaque or translucent. The heavy flaky ones are crisp and easy to break; the lumpy ones are harder and not easy to break. The gas is tasteless and tasteless.


sweet, cold. toxic. act on heart channel.


setting heart and calming mind, clearing heat and removing toxin.


  1. Used for restlessness, palpitation, insomnia. Cinnabar is sweet, cold and heavy in quality. It is specially formulated for the heart meridian. The cold can reduce fire and the heavy can calm timidity. Therefore, Cinnabar can not only tranquilizing the mind with heavy sedatives, but also clearing the heart and tranquilizing the spirit. It is the most suitable for exuberance of heart fire, restlessness and dysphoria. It is often used with Coptis Rhizome and lotus plumule etc. can be used together to enhance the effect of clearing the heart and tranquilizing the spirit. It can also be used to treat other causes of restlessness. If the heart blood is weak, it can be combined with Chinese Angelica, Unprocessed Rehmannia Root Huang and other medicinals, such as Cinnabar Spirit-Tranquilizing Pill; those with Yin blood deficiency are often combined with Sour Jujube, Platycladi Seed, Chinese Angelica Wait for the heart-nourishing tranquilizer combination of medicinals; for those who are frightened or have a weak heart, just put this product into the pig heart and stew it.
  2. For infantile convulsion, epilepsy. This product is very important and has the effect of setting heart and calming mind. It is used to treat high fever unconsciousness and convulsions. It is often used together with resuscitation and wind-relieving drugs such as Cow-Bezoar and musk, such as Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar Pill; to treat infantile convulsion, often combined with Cow-Bezoar, scorpion, Uncaria and other combinations of medicinals, such as Cow-Bezoar powder; used to treat epilepsy and convulsion, usually used together with Magnetite, such as Magnetite and Cinnabar Pill.
  3. Used for sore and ulcer, swelling and pain in the throat, and sores in the mouth and tongue. This product is cold in nature, has strong clearing heat and removing toxin effects, and is effective both internally and externally. To treat sore and ulcer swelling and poison, it is often combined with medicinals such as Realgar, Peking Euphorbia Root, Appendiculate Cremastra Pseudobulb, etc., such as Purple Gold Troch; used to treat sore throat and mouth and tongue sores. It is often used in combination with medicinals such as borneol and borax, such as Borneol and Borax Powder.


  1. Benjing: "Nourish the spirit, soothe the soul, tonifying qi improving vision."
  2. Yaoxing Lun: "Calm down the mind, control convulsions and convulsions." ”
  3. Bencao Congxin: “Removing evil heat from the heart meridian, calming the mind and calming panic... removing toxin, calming madness.”

[Usage and Dosage]

Powder into pills or grind into powder, take infused, 0.3~1g each time. Appropriate amount for external use.


This product is toxic and should not be taken internally excessively or continuously to prevent mercury poisoning; avoid calcining it with fire as Mercury will precipitate out, which is highly toxic.

[Modern Pharmacology]

The main component of this product is mercury sulfide (HgS), but it is often mixed with Realgar, phosphorus, asphaltene, etc. There is no consensus on whether Cinnabar has a sedative-hypnotic effect; it has an antiseptic effect by removing toxin; external use can inhibit or kill skin bacteria and Chinese Taxillus Herb worms. Cinnabar is a compound of mercury. Mercury has a special affinity for the carboxyl group in proteins. At high concentrations, it can inhibit the activities of various enzymes.

Metallic mercury has poor oral absorption (<0.01%), and the normal concentration in blood is 3 to 4 mg/dl. Metabolic oxidation to Hg2+ is lipophilic. Mercury entering the body is mainly distributed in the liver and kidneys, causing liver and kidney damage. It can also penetrate the blood-brain barrier and directly damage the central nervous system. It has a long half-life and is cumulative. Chronic poisoning is common with dizziness, headache, nausea, anorexia, abdominal discomfort, gum bleeding, and muscle tremor. Some have abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, black watery stools, coffee bean color, oliguria or even anuria. Damage to the nervous system will cause headache, dizziness, insomnia, fear, numbness of the limbs, weakness, tremor, paralysis of the lower limbs, pain in the waist and lower limbs, and urinary incontinence. Acute poisoning can cause acute corrosion and damage to gastrointestinal and renal functions, heartburn or colicky pain, lumpago, anuria, and shortness of breath.

Rescue methods (the following are the removing toxin methods recommended by general literature, which may not necessarily be confirmed by clinical verification), acute poisoning:

  1. Use sodium bicarbonate solution to gastric lavage as soon as possible, and give milk or raw materials after gastric lavage Egg clear, binds protein to mercury to delay the absorption of mercury.
  2. Sodium dithiopropanesulfonate (BAL, Unithiol) is injected intramuscularly, and a removing toxin agent is used after one week of treatment. If necessary, oral administration of metal chelating agent D-penicillamine or succiimer is required one month later to remove mercury.
  3. Pay attention to correct typical edema electrolyte and acid-base disorders. Actively prevent and treat secondary infections, shock and renal failure.
Chronic poisoning:
  1. Inject 5% sodium dithiopropanesulfonate intramuscularly.
  2. Compound formula Glabrous Greenbrier decoction has the effect of slowly dispelling mercury and improving symptoms. Glabrous Greenbrier Soup consists of: Glabrous Greenbrier, Lonicera, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Morinda, Cornus officinale, Paewort, Carthamus, Peach Kernel, Alisma, cluster mallow fruit, Bupleurum, Liquorice Root.

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