 Shen Yaozi 
common nameSilktree Albizia Bark
aliasYehepi, Silktree Albizzia Bark
[Variety Source]

This product is the bark of the leguminous plant Albizia julibrissin (Albizia julibrissin Durazz.). Distributed in South China, Southwest, East China, Northeast China, Hebei, Henan, Hubei and other places. Collected in summer and autumn; peel off the bark and dry in the sun. The flowers or buds of this plant (Albizia julibrissin) are also used medicinally.


Deciduous trees, more than 10 meters high. The trunk is gray-black; the branchlets are hairless and angular. 2 even-pinnate leaves, alternate; total petiole length 3 to 5 cm; leaf length 9 to 23 cm, 5 to 15 pairs of pinnae; 11 to 30 pairs of leaflets, sessile; leaflets are sickle-rectangular, 5 cm long ~12 mm, apex short-pointed, base truncate, asymmetric, entire, ciliate, midrib pubescent below, leaflets closed at night; stipules linear-lanceolate. The flower head is born at the end of the branch, and the total pedicel is pubescent; the flowers are light red; the calyx is tubular, about 2 mm long, with 5-toothed apex, and is covered with pubescence; the corolla is fistula disease, bucket-shaped, about 6 mm long, and is covered with pubescence. pubescent, 5-lobed apex, triangular-ovate lobes; numerous stamens, united at the base, filaments slender, upper part light red, more than three times as long as the corolla tube; ovary superior, style almost as long as the filaments, stigma cylindrical shape. The pods are flat, 8 to 15 cm long, 1 to 2.5 cm wide, yellowish brown, pubescent when young, then gradually falling off, and usually not dehiscent. Seeds are oval, flat, brown. The flowering period is from June to August. The fruiting period is from August to October. It grows on hillsides and roadsides, and is often cultivated in gardens.

Medicinal materials: dry bark, cylindrical or semi-cylindrical, more than 30 cm long, 1 to 2 mm thick, rough outer surface, gray-green or gray-brown, with scattered horizontal cracks and slight longitudinal wrinkles. The lenticels are round or oblong, with a brownish-red color. The inner surface is light brown or light yellow with fine vertical lines. It is hard and brittle, with a light yellow and fibrous cross-section. The smell is slightly fragrant and the taste is light. The ones with thin, even skin, tender and smooth skin are better.


sweet, neutral.

  1. Benjing: sweet, neutral.
  2. Bencao Huiyan: sweet, warm neutral.
Act on heart and liver channels.
  1. Leigong Paozhi Yaoxing Jie: act on heart channel.
  2. Bencao Zaixin: act on heart and liver channels.


Relieves depression, harmonizes blood, calms the heart, and eliminates carbuncles.


Cure uneasiness, depression, insomnia, lung abscess, carbuncle, scrofula, tendon fracture.


  1. Benjing: "The Lord calms the five zang-organs, harmonizes the mind, and makes people happy and worry-free."
  2. Bencao Shiyi: "Killing worms. "
  3. Rihuazi Bencao: "Soft extract, eliminates carbuncles and swelling and restores muscles and bones."
  4. Gangmu: "Blends blood, reduces swelling, and relieves pain."
  5. >"Chinese herbal medicinal property": "Eliminate scrofula."
  6. "Animal and Plant Folk Medicine": "Cure cough."
  7. Nanchuan "Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook": "Cure heart, irritability, insomnia and muscle spasm."

[Usage and Dosage]

Oral administration: decoction, 1.5 to 3 yuan; or add powder. External use: Grind into powder and apply.

[Processing and Storage]

Soak in water, wash, take out, moisten, cut into long strips of equal size, then cut into pieces or shreds, and dry.

[Modern Pharmacology]

The bark contains saponins, tannins, etc. The seeds contain amino acids such as amethine and S-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-cysteine. Fresh leaves collected in mid-May contain 189 mg% of vitamin C.

[Selection of Prescriptions]

  1. Treatment of coughs include mild fever, irritability, and chest and heart failure, which is lung abscess. At dusk (it's silktree albizzia bark), the palm is a big piece. Cut it finely, boil one liter with three liters of water, and take it three times. (Qianjin Fang Dusk Soup)
  2. Cure lung abscess: silktree albizia bark, japanese ampelopsis root. The two flavors are decoction and taken together. (Jingyue Quanshu Hehuan drink)
  3. To treat injuries caused by beatings and muscles: 4 taels of night bark bark (fried and dried, minced), add 1 qian each of musk and frankincense. Take three qian each time, mix it with warm wine, and take it when you are not hungry or full. (Continued from Benshi Fang)
  4. To treat bruises caused by beating: 4 liang of nightclub tree (remove the rough bark, take the white bark, file it, stir-fry until it turns yellow and slightly black), mustard seeds (stir-fry ) one or two. Use fine powder on it, mix it with wine, and take it at night; use coarse powder on the sores, tie them up. This medicine is specially designed to massage the bones. ( Bai Yi Xuanfang )
  5. To treat spider bites: pound silktree albizia bark into powder, mix it with ink, and mix with oil. ( Bencao Shiyi )

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