[Variety Source]
This product is the root of Peking Euphorbia Root (Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr.), a perennial herbaceous plant of the Peking Euphorbia Root family. Mainly produced in Jiangsu, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guangxi and other places. Excavate in late autumn or early spring. Remove the remaining stems and fibrous roots and dry them in the sun. Use raw or prepared with vinegar.
bitter and acrid, cold. toxic. act on lung, kidney and large intestine channels.
Purging water and drinking it, subduing swelling and dissipating bind.
- For edema, tympanites, stop drinking in the chest and hypochondrium. The purgative water effect of this product is similar to Gansui Root, and its properties are also strong. To treat edema, tympanites, and healthy qi that are not weak, use Peking Euphorbia Root and Chinese Date to cook together, eat dates, or mix with Gansui Root and Lilac Daphne can be used together to enhance the effect of expelling water by purgation; it can be used with Gansui Root to treat phlegm-dampness where water stops in the chest and diaphragm causing dull pain in the flanks and sticky phlegm. , white mustard seed are used together to gain the effect of dispelling phlegm.
- For carbuncle, sore, scrofula subcutaneous nodule, etc. Peking Euphorbia Root can subduing swelling and dissipating bind. It can be used internally or externally. To treat heat toxin, carbuncle and sore, it can be used fresh and smashed for external application; to treat Yongju between the neck and neck, use Chinese Angelica and White Atractylodes Rhizome , take Pineilia as a pill; to treat scrofula subcutaneous nodule where phlegm-fire accumulates, you can boil Peking Euphorbia Root and egg together and eat egg .
- Benjing: "Main parasitic toxin twelve water, abdominal distension and fullness acute pain, abdominal mass apoplexy."
- Bielu: "Neck armpit carbuncle (acute pyogenic axillary lymphadenitis) causes swelling, headache, sweating, and enlargement of the small intestine. "
- Bencao Zheng: "Severe in nature, good at dispelling water, causing phlegm and saliva, and causing diarrhea, dampness-heat and fullness. ”
[Usage and Dosage]
Take it as a decoction, 1.5~3g; take it as a pill, take it as powder, 1g each time. Appropriate amount for external use, for raw use. Take vinegar orally to reduce toxicity.
It should not be used by the weak and pregnant women. Anti-Liquorice Root.
[Modern Pharmacology]
This product contains Peking Euphorbia Root glycosides, alkaloids, gums, resins, etc.
- The ether and hot water extracts of this product have the effect of stimulating the intestinal tract and causing catharsis;
- has a stimulating effect on pregnancy and uterus;
- can dilate capillaries and resist the pressor effect of epinephrine. .
- Animal experiments have shown that the toxicity of this product increases when combined with Liquorice Root of medicinals.
[Supplementary Medication]
knoxia root: The root of the perennial herbaceous plant knoxia root (Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard) in the Indian Madder Root family. Also known as red bud Peking Euphorbia Root and wide Peking Euphorbia Root. It has a bitter and cold nature and taste, and its functions are similar to those of Root of Peking Euphorbia. But the root of Peking Euphorbia expelling water by purgation is strong, and the knoxia root is subduing swelling and dissipating bind. Decoction and take 1.5~5g; grind into powder and take 1g. Appropriate amount for external use. Vinegar is used for preparation or raw use. It should not be used by the weak and pregnant women. Anti-Liquorice Root.