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 Shen Yaozi 
common nameGround Beetle
aliasGround Beeltle
[Variety Source]

This product is the dried female body of the Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker (Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker) or Steleophaga plancyi (Boleny). After catching, scald them in boiling water and dry them in the sun or oven.


salty, cold; slightly toxic. act on liver channel.


breaking blood stasis blood, renewing muscles and bones.


Used for tendon fractures, static blood amenorrhea, abdominal mass stuffiness. Swelling and pain of liver and spleen and lumbar muscle strain and sprain caused by blood stasis.

[Usage and Dosage]



Not recommended for pregnant women.

[Processing and Storage]

  1. Pure preparation: remove impurities, wash with boiling water, and dry ("Pharmacopoeia 63").
  2. Sauteing: Place the clean Ground Beetle into a pot, heat it with mild fire, fry until slightly charred, take it out and let it cool ("Specification").
  3. Homemade: Take the original medicinal materials and fry them with mild fire until the color is yellow ("Guangdong").
  4. Baking: Bake on an iron sieve or new tile until crispy, then grind into powder ("Yunnan").
  5. Wine making:
    1. Take Ground Beetle, wash it with wine, and lightly fry it to remove the head and feet ("Integration").
    2. Take Ground Beetle, wash it with wine, and dry it with mild fire. If it is a live Ground Beetle, scald it to death in boiling water, or simmer it to death in wine, take it out, and bake it in a mild fire ("Sichuan").
  6. Made from ghee: remove impurities, wash, then melt the ghee over mild fire, pour in the clean Ground Beetle, mix well, fry until yellow, take out of the pan, spread out, and let cool. For every 100kg of Ground Beetle, use 5kg of ghee ("Gansu").

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