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 Shen Yaozi 
common nameGleditisia Spine
[Variety Source]

This product is the thorn of Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, a leguminous plant. Distributed in Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Gansu and other provinces and regions. It can be harvested throughout the year, preferably from September to March of the following year. Cut off the thorns and dry them in the sun or cut them into diagonal slices or thin slices while fresh and then dry them in the sun.

Chinese Honeylocust Fruit is published in Tujing Bencao. Su Song said that Gleditisia Spine and rice vinegar are boiled and decoctioned, and it has miraculous effects on sores and ringworm; Bencao Gangmu listed this product in "Chinese Honeylocust Fruit" item. Li Shi-zhen says: "To treat carbuncles, jealous breasts, and malignant sores caused by wind, the placenta is not lowered." It also says: "To treat wind killing worms, the effect is the same as that of pods, but its sharpness reaches directly to the location of the disease. Strange ears."


Acrid, warm. act on lung and large intestine channels.


It has the functions of promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling, expelling pus and clearing breasts.


It is used for the initial onset of carbuncle and sore, or when the pus does not ulcerate and the milk does not come out. External treatment of sores and ringworm. It has been tried to treat acute tonsillitis and has a certain effect. Generally, the next day after taking the medicine, the body temperature and white blood cells drop to normal, and the subjective symptoms and tonsil redness and swelling are reduced.

[Usage and Dosage]

Dose 3~9g, appropriate amount for external use, decoct in vinegar and apply to the affected area.


It should not be used if the carbuncle has ruptured or if pregnant women are pregnant.

[Modern Pharmacology]

This product contains flavonoids: fustin, fisetin, and colorless anthocyanins. In addition, it also contains phenols, amino acids, etc.

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