[Variety Source]
This product is the stem and leaves of Perilla Leaf (Perilla frutescens(L.) Britt.), an annual herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. Its leaves are called Perilla Leaf and its stems are called perilla stem. It is produced equally in the north and south of my country. Harvested in summer and autumn. Dry in the shade and use raw.
Acrid, warm. act on lung and spleen channels.
inducing sweating to releasing exterior, moving qi wide.
- Used for wind-cold, common cold, cough and excessive phlegm. This product induces sweating to release exterior, ventilating lung and relieving cough. It is often used with Notopterygium and Saposhnikovia Root, such as Qiangsuda Tablet Decoction. If it is combined with panting cough, it should be used together with medicines such as Peucedanum and Bitter Apricot Seed, such as Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder; qi stagnation People with chest tightness often use combination of medicinals Cyperus, Dried Tangerine Peel and other medicines, such as Xiang Su San.
- It is used for spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness and vomiting. This product is a good medicine for awakening the spleen and widening the middle, moving qi and stopping vomiting, and also has the effect of regulating qi to calm fetus. For treating external contraction, wind-cold, internal damage, dampness, poor qi movement, chest tightness, vomiting, Hanre headache, always use Patchouli, Dried Tangerine Peel, Pineilia and other combinations of medicinals, such as Patchouli Qi-Righting Powder; if fetal qi disease is reversed, chest tightness vomiting, threatened abortion, often Take Villous Amomum Fruit, Dried Tangerine Peel and other regulating qi to calm fetus medicines for use together. It is used to treat plum-stone qi (globus hystericus) syndrome of stagnation of seven emotions and phlegm coagulation. It is often used together with Pineilia and Magnolia Bark.
- In addition, it can be used for fish and crab poisoning, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. This product can be taken alone as a decoction, or in combination with medicinals such as Fresh Ginger Rhizome, Dried Tangerine Peel, Patchouli .
- Bielu: "Mainly lowering qi, remove cold."
- Diannan Bencao: "Sweating, relieving common cold headache, dispersing phlegm, calming roar Panting."
[Usage and Dosage]
Decoction, 3 to 10g, should not be decocted for a long time.
[Modern Pharmacology]
This product contains volatile oils, mainly Perilla Leaf aldehyde, L-limonene and a small amount of a-pinene. Cultivated purple perilla leaf decoction has a mild antipyretic effect, promotes the secretion of digestive juices, increases gastrointestinal motility, can reduce bronchial secretion and relieve bronchospasm. This product decocted with water has inhibitory effects on large intestine bacilli, dysentery bacilli, and staphylococci.
[Supplementary Medication]
perilla stem: the stem of Perilla Leaf. The nature and flavor are pungent, sweet, and slightly warm. Returns to the lung, spleen and stomach meridians. Function: soothing the chest and disinhibiting the diaphragm, calming fetus. It is suitable for thoracic and abdominal stagnation, stuffiness, threatened abortion, and distending pain in the chest and hypochondrium.
perilla fruit: the dry and ripe fruit of Perilla Leaf. Pungent, warm. Returns to the lung meridian. descending qi dispersing phlegm, relieve asthma, moisten the intestines. Used for phlegm, counterflow, cough panting, and constipation. The usual amount is 3~9g.