common name | Arsenic |
This product is a processed product of naturally occurring arsenic-containing minerals such as arsenic, arsenopyrite or Realgar. It contains arsenic trioxide (As2O3), also known as arsenic. Mainly produced in Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Weizhou and other places. The products are divided into red arsenic and white arsenic. The red arsenic is mainly used for medicinal purposes. The refined product of arsenic sublimation is a white powder, namely arsenic, which is still composed of arsenic trioxide and is even more toxic.
acrid, extremely hot. extremely toxic. act on lung and liver channels.
It can be used externally to remove sores and decay; it can be used internally to eliminate phlegm and relieve asthma.
Appropriate amount for external use. Grind into powder and apply on it or put it into plaster. Take it as a pill in powder form, 0.002~0.004g each time.
This product is highly toxic and should be used with caution when taken internally. The usage and dosage must be mastered. It cannot be used continuously and cannot be taken as wine preparation. Pregnant women should not take this product. External use should not be excessive to prevent local absorption and poisoning.
All arsenic must be put into a sand jar, sealed tightly with mud, burned red in the fire, taken out and allowed to cool, or boiled with Mung Bean to reduce its poison. Grind into fine powder.
This product mainly contains arsenic trioxide (As2O3). Arsenic trioxide and arsenic agents have a plasma poison-like effect, and can paralyze capillaries, inhibit the activity of enzymes, and cause fatty changes in the liver, necrosis of the liver lobules, congestion of the heart, liver, kidneys, and intestines, and necrosis of epithelial cells. Watery diarrhea, proteinuria, hematuria, vertigo, headache, cyanosis, syncope, lethargy, convulsions, paralysis, and even death. It is generally believed that arsenic combines with sulfur-containing enzymes and affects the activity of the enzyme, thereby seriously interfering with tissue metabolism and causing poisoning. Therefore, dithiopropanol is used to remove toxin in clinical first aid. In addition, it has a strong corrosive effect on the skin mucosa membrane; it has a killing effect on malaria parasites, amoeba and other microorganisms; long-term absorption in small amounts enhances assimilation and promotes bone marrow hematopoietic function, etc.
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