[Variety Source]
This product is the mature seed of Ziziphus jujuba (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chou.), a deciduous shrub or small tree plant of the family Rhamnaceae. Mainly produced in Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong and other places. Harvest the fruits when they are mature in late autumn and early winter, remove the pulp, crush the core, take out the seeds and dry them in the sun. Use raw or fried, break into pieces when used.
sweet and sour, neutral. act on heart, liver and gallbladder channels.
Nourishes the heart, nourishes the liver, calms the nerves, and reduces sweating.
- For palpitation insomnia. It tastes sweet and enters the heart and liver meridians. It can nourish the heart yin, benefit the blood of the heart and liver, and has a calming effect. Therefore, it is mostly used for palpitation, severe palpitation, insomnia, amnesia and other diseases caused by yin blood deficiency and heart failure. It is mainly used for palpitation and insomnia caused by heart-liver blood deficiency. It is often used with Chinese Angelica, Fleeceflower, Longan Aril and other combinations of medicinals. If liver deficiency causes heat and insomnia, it is often combined with medicinals such as Anemarrhena, Poria, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, etc., such as Sour Jujube Decoction; If the heart spleen qi deficiency causes palpitation insomnia, it is often associated with Chinese Angelica, Astragalus Root, Tangshen and other combinations of medicinals, such as Returning to Spleen Decoction; if the heart and kidneys are insufficient, yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity such as palpitation insomnia and amnesia nocturnal emission, it can be combined with Ophiopogon Tuber, Unprocessed Rehmannia Root Huang, Milkwort Root and other combinations of medicinals, such as Celestial Emperor Heart-Tonifying Pill.
- Used for profuse sweating in weak body. This product has a sour taste and can astringe and stop sweating. It is used to treat spontaneous sweating and night sweat due to physical weakness. It can be used with Schisandra Fruit, Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit and Astragalus. Root is used equally.
- Benjing: "The main confidant Hanre, evil knot Qi gathering, limb pain fixed arthralgia."
- Bielu: "Trouble and insomnia...deficiency of sweat, polydipsia, tonic, beneficial to liver qi, strong bones and muscles, and help yin qi."
- Bencao Gangmu: "Its kernels are sweet and moist, so it can be used for treatment if you are familiar with it. Symptoms of gallbladder heat, insomnia, polydipsia, and sweating; these are used to treat gallbladder heat and improve sleep. They are both sufficient to relieve yin and shaoyang."
[Usage and Dosage]
Decoct and take 10~20g. Grind into powder and swallow, 1.5~3g each time.
[Modern Pharmacology]
This product contains a large amount of fatty oil and protein, as well as two sterols, two triterpene compounds (betulin, betulinic acid), Sour Jujube saponins, and a large amount of vitamin C. Sour Jujube decoction has sedative and hypnotic effects, can counteract the excitement caused by coffee beans, and acts synergistically with barbiturates. It can significantly reduce the number of defensive motor conditioned reflexes, internally inhibit the spread, and cause the conditioned reflex to subside. Decoction also has analgesic, anticonvulsant, and cooling effects. The water-soluble ingredients of Sour Jujube can cause a sustained drop in blood pressure and heart block; it also has a stimulating uterus effect.