 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameThree-Stone Decoction
sourceWenbing Tiaobian
[Preparation method and dosage]

Fly Talc (Talcum) 9gm (3 qián)
Gypsum (Gypsum Fibrosum) 15gm (5 qián)
Calcitum (Gypsum Rubrum) 9gm (3 fēn)
Bitter Apricot Seed (Semen Armeniacae Amarum) 9gm (3 qián)
Bamboo Shavings (Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam) stir-fried 6gm (2 qián)
Lonicera (Flos Lonicerae) flower dew is better 6gm (2 qián)
Golden juice drink with wine 30gm (a cup)
White Ricepaperplant Pith (Medulla Tetrapanacis) 9gm (3)

Take 1 shēng (five cups) of water, fry it into 400 ml (two cups), and administer it twice while warm.


clearing heat and draining dampness, diffusing and unblocking triple energizer.


Summerheat dampness diffuses triple energizer, in the qi aspect, body heat sweats, flushed face, deafness, chest gastric stuffiness, diarrhea watery, short red urine, cough bloody. Not very thirsty, fluid retention, red tongue texture, yellow and slippery fur, slippery and rapid pulse.


Fangzhong Bitter Apricot Seed declares upper energizer lung qi, gypsum, Calcite, Bamboo Shavings Clear the heat of middle energizer, Talc, ricepaperplant pith, remove dampness-heat in lower energizer, remove heat from silver flowers and gold juice toxin. All medicines are used together to clear heat and draining dampness, diffusing and unblocking triple energizer.
