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 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameCinnamon Twig plus Astragalus Decoction
sourceTreatise On Typhoid And Death
[Preparation method and dosage]

Cinnamon Twig (Ramulus Cinnamomi) 9gm (3 liǎng)
Peony Root (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 9gm (3 liǎng)
Liquorice Root (Radix Glycyrrhizae) 6gm (2 liǎng)
Fresh Ginger Rhizome (Rhizoma Zingiberis) 9gm (3 liǎng)
Chinese Date (Fructus Jujubae) 12 pieces
Astragalus Root (Radix Astragali seu Hedysari) 6gm (2 liǎng)

the above 6 ingredients, with 1600 ml of water, decoted to 600 ml, administered while warm 400 ml. Drink more than 200 ml of hot gruel for a while to enhance the efficacy of the medicine. Administer while warm to induce slight sweating; if there is no sweating, take more.


Yellow sweat, spontaneous coldness of the shins, sweating above the waist, loose and painful waist and hip, if there is something in the skin, severe pain, inability to eat, severe body pain, dysphoria, difficulty in urination; jaundice, floating pulse, symptoms of exterior deficiency.

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