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 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameJade Screen Powder
sourceDanxi Xinfa
[Preparation method and dosage]

Saposhnikovia Root (Radix Saposhnikoviae) 10gm
Astragalus Root (Radix Astragali seu Hedysari) 10gm
White Atractylodes Rhizome (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 20gm
Fresh Ginger Rhizome (Rhizoma Zingiberis) 5gm

Grind it into powder, take 3 qián (9 gm) per serving, add 1.5 zhǎn of water, add one jujube, fry until 7 fēn, remove the dregs, and take it hot after eating.

Modern usage: Grind into powder, take 2 times a day, 6-9 gm each time, decoction jujube and take it; it can also be used as a decoction, decocted in water for administration, and the dosage should be reduced according to the proportion of the original recipe.


tonifying qi, firming the surface and antiperspirant.


Exterior deficiency: spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, complexion: pale, pale tongue with white coating, floating and soft pulse, or weak body susceptible to wind evil.


This prescription is mainly used to treat Weiqi weakness and failure to consolidate the symptoms. If Wei deficiency striae and interstice are not tight, it is easy to be attacked by wind evil, so it is easy to avert to wind and become common cold; exterior deficiency is not solid, Yin Yin cannot be kept internally, body fluids leak out, and spontaneous sweating is common; complexion 㿠A white, pale tongue with thin white coating, and a floating and deficient pulse are all signs of qi deficiency. The treatment should be tonifying qi Shiwei, consolidating exterior and stopping sweating.

The formula Astragalus Root is sweet and warm. It can replenish the spleen and lungs internally, and it can consolidate exterior and stop sweating externally. It is sovereign medicinal; White Atractylodes Rhizome tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, help Astragalus Root to strengthen the power of replenishing qi and consolidating exterior, it is minister medicinal, the two medicines are used together to make the qi flourish exterior excess, then sweat will not leak out, and external evil will It is also difficult to invade internally; when used with Saposhnikovia Root, it can dissipate wind and ward off evil spirits. If Astragalus Root is obtained, Without retaining the evil, Saposhnikovia Root gets Astragalus Root, then the dispelling wind does not harm the good.

For those whose exteriors are deficient in spontaneous sweating, or whose physical weakness is prone to common cold, it has the effect of replenishing qi and consolidating exterior, reinforcing healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors. The name Jade Screen refers to its function as a barrier to protect against the wind, but also as precious as jade. The characteristics of this combination of medicinals are mainly replenishing qi and consolidating exterior medicinals, combined with a small amount of dispelling wind relieving products, so as to replenish the internal organs and disperse them.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

  1. Exterior deficiency spontaneous sweating.
  2. The virtual person repeats common cold.
  3. complexion 㿠白 aversion to wind.
  4. Light tongue with white coating.
  5. Pulse is floating and deficient.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. Profuse sweating: add light wheat, forged oyster shell , ephedra root to strengthen consolidating exterior and stopping sweating.
  2. Nasal congestion: Add Acorus, Magnolia, Cocklebur Fruit.
  3. exterior deficiency external contraction: combined with Cinnamon Twig Decoction.
  4. wind-cold external sense: add Atractylodes Rhizome, Notopterygium.
  5. Blood deficiency and dizziness: Add Chinese Angelica and Sichuan Lovage Rhizome.
  6. consumptive disease debilitating abdominal pain: combined with Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction.
  7. nettles measles: Add Chinese Angelica, Peony Root.
  8. Those who sneeze when exposed to wind: add Magnolia and Mentha.


  1. Luo Mei's "Ancient and Modern Mingyi Fanglun" Volume 4 records Ke Qin: "Invasion of pathogen must be due to deficiency of essential qi. Therefore, those who treat wind should not have troubles without having to drive them away. But there is no way to control it; if you are not afraid of the wind, it will not go away, but if you are afraid of the wind coming back, why? Because the sweat pore is not closed, the ignorant do not know how to fix the wind, so they have tried many medicines to drive it away. In other words, what goes away will go away, what comes comes, pathogenic qi lingers, and there is no end to it. Saposhnikovia Root spreads all over the body, and is called the elixir for treating wind. It is a moisturizing agent in wind medicine. It is the only one used to treat wind. However, Weiqi is used to warm the flesh and fill the skin, and to open and close the fat striae and interstice. Only Astragalus Root can replenish the triple energizer and act as a solid defense. It is the key to controlling sweat pores and resisting the wind. It can cause sweating and stop sweating. It has the same effect as Cinnamon Twig. Therefore, it can also eliminate wind-heat, gale, leprosy, and bloody defecation. , women's uterus wind is the wind medicine in tonic formula, so Saposhnikovia Root has the effect of astragalus, which strengthens the ears. White Atractylodes Rhizome strengthens the spleen and stomach, warms the meat, and cultivates the soil to calm the wind. If you get Astragalus to solidify the outside, you will be protected from the outside; if you get White Atractylodes Rhizome to solidify the inside, you will have a stronghold from the inside. Those who want to dispel the wind evil should lean on it like a screen and be as precious as a screen. Jade."
  2. Volume 150 of "Yifang Leiju": "Striae and interstice are not secret, and it is easy to common cold."

[Attention to taboos]

It should not be used by those suffering from external spontaneous contraction sweating or yin deficiency night sweat.

[Modern application]

This recipe enhances the body's immune function, enhances the function of sweat glands, and regulates skin function. Used for the prevention of common cold, post-illness conditioning, allergic rhinitis, hives, chronic diseases and exterior deficiency constitution.


Both this prescription and Cinnamon Twig Decoction can be used to treat exterior deficiency spontaneous sweating. However, the spontaneous sweating syndrome caused by this prescription is caused by Weiqi's weakness, striae and interstice. The spontaneous sweating syndrome caused by Cinnamon Twig Decoction is caused by External contraction caused by wind and cold, disharmony between nutrient and defensive qi. Therefore, this method specializes in replenishing qi and consolidating exterior, antiperspirant, and dispelling wind; while Cinnamon Twig Decoction is effective in releasing the flesh and effusing the external, harmonizing nutrient and defensive aspects.

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