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 Shen Yaozi 
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formula nameToad Venom Pill
sourceWaike Zhengzong
[Preparation method and dosage]

Toad Venom (Venenum Bufonis) 6gm
Calomel (Calomelas) 1.5gm
Dry alum (Alumen)
Calcitum 3gm
Patina 3gm
Frankincense (Olibanum) 3gm
Myrrh (Myrrha) 3gm
Chalcanthite (Chalcanthitum) 3gm
Musk (Moschus) 3gm
Realgar (Realgar) 6gm
Snails 21
Cinnabar (Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae) 9gm

the above ingredients grind into powder, first grind the snails, then grind them with toad venom and grind them into paste, then add various medicines, make pills as big as mung beans, take 3 pills each time, use 16 cm of green onion, pound them into pieces and pack them as medicine; or in modern times Scientifically prepared into small pills, take 1 gm once, 3 times a day, preferably with green onion soup.


Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Mainly used for soft tissue purulent infection, cancer, boil and sore, or tumors with strong pulse.

[Modern application]

boil and sore, carbuncle, skin cancer, laryngeal cancer, breast cancer, bone tumors.

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