 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameDrool-Controlling Pill
sourceSanyin Jiyi Bingzheng Fanglun
[Preparation method and dosage]

Gansui Root (Radix Euphorbiae Kansui) de-cored 10gm
Purple Peking Euphorbia Root (Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis) peeled 10gm
White mustard seeds (Semen Sinapis Albae) 10gm

Each medicine is in fine powder and prepared into small pills. Take 2 gm once, twice a day, after meal and before sleep with warm water; it is not suitable to take it for a long time.


Attack phlegm-fluid retention.


phlegm: sudden unbearable pain in the chest and back, hands and feet, neck, waist and hips, connected to the muscles and bones, traction pain, restlessness in sitting and lying, unsteady walking; or inability to lift the headache, drowsiness and sleepiness, fluid retention. Tasteless, phlegm, thick and sticky saliva, frequent sawing sounds in the throat at night, heavy hands and feet, cold and numb legs, and blocked Qi and pulse.

[Modern application]

Enhance the reabsorption of pathological exudate and adjust water and liquid metabolism. Mainly used for exudative thoracic membrane inflammation, such as dull pain in the chest, back and waist, muscle and bone traction pain, or paralysis of the hands and feet, unbearable headache, or skin paralysis, lethargy, phlegm and sticky saliva.

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