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 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameHemp Seed Pill
aliasSplenic Constipation Pill
sourceTreatise On Typhoid And Death
[Preparation method and dosage]

Hemp Seed (Semen Cannabis) 100gm (2 shēng)
Peony Root (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 25gm (8 liǎng)
Immature Orange Fruit (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus) roasted 25gm (8 liǎng)
Rhubarb Rhizoma (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) peeled 50gm (1 jīn)
Magnolia Bark (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis) roasted, peeled 30gm (1 jīn)
Bitter Apricot Seed (Semen Armeniacae Amarum) peeled and de-pointed, boiled 50gm (1 shēng)

the above 6 ingredients, honey and pills as big as a phoenix tree seed. Drink ten pills, administer 3 times a day, gradually increase, and take it as a measure.


Moistens the intestines, nourishes dryness, and relieves defecation.


Gastrointestinal dryness-heat constipation syndrome. Hard stool, frequent urination, hard stool or not being able to hold it for several days, or difficulty in passing stool, fluid retention, normal eating and urination.


Shanghan Lun said that Hemp Seed Pill treats spleen constrained syndrome/pattern due to dryness-heat in the stomach and insufficient spleen fluid. Therefore, the treatment should be moistening intestines and purging heat, moving qi to relieve constipation. In the prescription, Hemp Seed has a moist and greasy texture, moistening intestines to relieve constipation; Rhubarb Rhizoma relieves heat and relieves dysentery; Bitter Apricot Seed descending qi moistens the intestines; Peony Root nourishes yin and internal organs; Immature Orange Fruit, Magnolia Bark moving qi breaks knots to strengthen diarrhea For laxative power, honey and medicine are made into pills to moisten dryness and smooth the intestines.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

Anyone with constipation and no other evidence can use it.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. Blood dry constipation: Add Chinese Angelica and Peach Kernel.
  2. bloody defecation perianal abscess: add Sophora Flower, Platycladus, Schizonepeta.
  3. constipation: add Sodium Sulfate.
  4. Dryness-heat damage: add Trichosanthes Seed, Platycladi Seed.
  5. hemorrhoids constipation: add Coptis Rhizome, Cimicifuga Rhizome, Peach Kernel, Chinese Angelica .

[Modern application]

Elderly constipation, habitual constipation, intestinal obstruction.

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