[Preparation method and dosage]
Aconite Lateral Root (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata)
for raw use, peeled, broken into eight pieces 10gm (1 piece) The above 3 ingredients, add 600 ml of water (3 shēng), decoted to 240 ml (1 shēng 2 hé), drain, and administer twice while warm. Strong one can be a large amount of aconite and 9g of dried ginger (3 liǎng). Those who vomit after taking Sini Decoction are refusing the medicine and can take it cold instead.
Warming the meridian and dispelling cold, restoring yang to save from collapse.
- yang qi pudendal coldness, reversal cold of limbs, aversion to cold, mental fatigue, diarrhea, cold pain in the abdomen, bland taste in mouth, not thirsty , pale tongue with white coating, deep and weak pulse.
- This prescription should be used urgently especially if there is a danger of yang exhaustion caused by accidental sweating or great dripping sweating.
This recipe is named after its ability to restore reversal cold of limbs, and is also called Hui Ni Tang. Aconite Lateral Root in the prescription has a hot property, excitating nerves, stimulating cells, increasing body temperature, and strengthening all body functions; Dried Ginger is also a heat medicine. warming the middle and dispelling cold, restoring yang by yin, matching with Aconite Lateral Root and complementing each other; Liquorice Root can nourish the middle deficiency internally and nutrient-defense externally, It also has the effects of relieving pain, analgesia, and analgesia. Although the medicine only has three flavors, it can play a great role in driving away cold and relieving adverse events. If the amount of our Dried Ginger is doubled, it is called Vessel-Unblocking Cold-Extremities Decoction, and the proof of this is even greater.
[Key points of syndrome differentiation]
- Cold limbs (yin pathogen).
- diarrhea clear grain.
- bland taste in mouth not thirsty.
- Pulse is deep and weak.
- profuse sweating after yang exhaustion.
[Addition and subtraction]
- Cold abdominal pain: Add Cinnamon Twig and Peony Root.
- wind-dampness arthralgia: Add Cinnamon Twig, White Atractylodes Rhizome.
- Chronic heart failure: add Ginseng.
- Deficiency-cold edema or leucorrhea: add Tangshen, Poria, Alisma.
- For those with hyperpalpitation and edema: add Ginseng and Poria.
- Those with dysphoria and cold face: add Ginseng and fistular onion stalk.
- For those with extremely cold limbs: add Asarum or Cinnamon Twig.
[Modern application]
This prescription strengthens the heart and resists shock. Used for acute gastroenteritis, acute sexually transmitted disease profuse sweating, myocardial infarction, shock, acute heart failure, enteric fever, cholera, diarrhea, home poisoning, jaundice, collapse sweating, yin syndrome/pattern edema.