 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameFive Ingredients with Poria Powder
sourceTreatise On Typhoid And Death
[Preparation method and dosage]

Polyporus (Polyporus) 9gm
Alisma (Rhizoma Alismatis) 15gm
White Atractylodes Rhizome (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 9gm
Poria (Poria) 9gm
Cinnamon Twig (Ramulus Cinnamomi) 6gm


promoting urination and draining dampness, warming yang.


  1. There are exterior pathogens outside and water dampness inside. Headache, fever, polydipsia, fluid retention or vomiting after drinking water, difficulty in urination, white tongue coating, and floating pulse.
  2. syndrome/pattern of internal retention of water-dampness, edema, diarrhea, dysuria, cholera vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Phlegm-fluid retention: palpitations below the navel, dizziness due to salivation, or coughing due to shortness of breath.


This prescription is mainly used to treat internal water-dampness, weakened bladder qi transformation function, resulting in thirst, vomiting when water enters, difficulty in urination, and symptoms such as headache fever due to unresolved exterior syndrome/pattern. Because the exterior pathogen is not resolved, it circulates externally through the great yang meridian and internally through the great yang bladder internal organs, resulting in unfavorable bladder qi transformation, and water accumulation in the lower energizer causes two diseases of the great yang meridian and fu organs. Therefore, it causes headache, fever and floating pulse on the outside, and difficulty in urination on the inside. Water storage lower energizer, body fluids cannot be transported, so polydipsia requires fluid retention, which is called "water storage" syndrome; if water stops in the stomach, vomiting will occur when water enters, which is called "water counterflow ” syndrome; spleen deficiency means bad luck, the spleen cannot control water, and water and moisture overflow the skin, so edema is heavy in the body; water injects large intestine, so diarrhea. The general reason is that fluid retention is caused by water accumulation, so use Poria, Polyporus, Alisma, dredging and regulating water passage, and diarrhea. White Atractylodes Rhizome invigorating spleen and drying dampness; the four medicines used together have the effect of removing dampness and diuresis; Cinnamon Twig can warm the yang qi and enhance the function of the bladder. The qi transformation function makes urination easier; it can also relieve exterior syndrome/pattern such as headache and fever, and promote the full effect of promoting urination and draining dampness drugs. Therefore, the therapeutic effect of this prescription is to transform the bladder qi to dilute water, move the spleen yang mechanism to control water, transport fluid to the skin and hair to induce sweating, and steam the fluid to the mouth and tongue to quench thirst.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

  1. Having trouble urinating.
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. phlegm-fluid retention spitting.
  4. The coating is white.
  5. Floating pulse.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. middle energizer heat accumulation: add gypsum, Talc, Calcite.
  2. cold-dampness: Add Atractylodes Rhizome.
  3. dampness-heat jaundice: add Virgate Wormwood
  4. cold abdominal colic: add Fennel, lychee seed.
  5. Scrotal edema: Add Plantain Seed, Akebia Stem.
  6. summerheat dampness diarrhea: add Patchouli, Fortune Eupatorium.
  7. Dampness-heat diarrhea: Add Silver Flower, Virgate Wormwood.
  8. qi stagnation abdominal distension and fullness: add Magnolia Bark, Dried Tangerine Peel.
  9. edema What's more: combined Five-Peel Decoction.
  10. Acute gastroenteritis: combined with Stomach-Calming Powder.
  11. Polydipsia due to summer heat: combined with White Tiger Decoction.
  12. summerheat damage diarrhea: combined with Coptis Rhizome Chinese Mosla fluid retention .

[Modern application]

This prescription is a diuretic, regulates water and liquid metabolism, protects the liver, enhances immune function, adjusts blood circulation, and improves kidney function. Used for common cold vomiting and diarrhea, gastroenteritis, gastric laxity, gastroptosis, persistent fluid retention, home poisoning, water counterflow, indigestion, morning sickness, seasickness, hypersalivation, nephritis, cardiac edema, uremia, scrotal edema , habitual headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, sunstroke, dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, eye star, nyctalopia, skin blisters, chickenpox, glaucoma, Ménière's syndrome.

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