 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameStomach-Clearing Powder
sourceLanshi Micang
[Preparation method and dosage]

Chinese Angelica body (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) 3gm
Unprocessed Rehmannia RootYellow (Radix Rehmanniae Recens) 3gm
Peony Bark (Cortex Moutan Radicis) 5gm
Coptis Rhizome (Rhizoma Coptidis) 5gm
Cimicifuga Rhizome (Rhizoma Cimicifugae) 10gm


clearing stomach fire, cooling blood and reducing swelling.


Caused by accumulated heat in the stomach, toothache, gingival atrophy, bleeding, red and swollen gums, ulcers, or swelling and pain in the lips, tongue, cheeks, fetid mouth odor, dry mouth, red tongue, yellow coating, and rapid pulse.


The syndrome of this prescription is caused by accumulation of heat in the stomach and fire-qi attacking upward along the meridians. The formula gypsum clears stomach fire, Coptis Rhizome bitter cold, clearing heat and removing toxin, the two drugs are combined to clear the accumulated heat in the stomach, Peony Bark, clearing away heat and cooling blood; Unprocessed Rehmannia Root, enriching yin and cooling blood; Chinese Angelica nourishing blood and regulating blood; Cimicifuga Rhizome clears heat and removes toxin, is good at treating sores in the mouth and tongue, and is a inducing medicine for the Yangming Meridian, so it can directly reduce the fire of inflammation.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

  1. toothache gingival swelling.
  2. fetid mouth odor hot and smelly.
  3. Dry mouth.
  4. Red tongue and yellow coating.
  5. Sliding and rapid pulse.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. Large constipation knot. Add Rhubarb Rhizoma, Sodium Sulfate.
  2. Both dampness-heat: add Virgate Wormwood, Gentian, Skullcap Root.
  3. Severe gum swelling: add gypsum, Skullcap Root, Forsythia.
  4. Yin deficiency with effulgent fire: aggravated Unprocessed Rehmannia Root, go to Chinese Angelica and add Ophiopogon Tuber, Polyghace Seche.
  5. For severe sore throat: add Yinhua, Forsythia, Platycodon Root, or common andrographis herb.
  6. For severe internal heat: add Skullcap Root, Phelloendron Bark, Gardenia.
  7. Toothache traction headache: add Asarum, Dahurian Angelica, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome.
  8. fetid mouth odor: add Patchouli, Clove.

[Modern application]

Toothache, bleeding gums, ulcers, oral ulcers, tonsillitis, trigeminal neuralgia.

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