[Preparation method and dosage]
Gypsum (Gypsum Fibrosum)
crushed, wrapped in cotton fabric 30gm (1 jīn) Ginseng (Radix Ginseng)
9gm (3 liǎng) The above 5 ingredients, use 1 shēng of water, cook the rice until it is cooked, and remove the liquid. Administer while warm 200 ml, three times a day.
clearing heat and purging fire, tonifying qi and producing fluid.
disease caused by cold or warm disease, excessive interior heat but insufficient qi and yin, fever, polydipsia, dry mouth and tongue, excessive sweating, large and weak pulse; summerheat disease fluid, two injuries, sweating aversion to cold, body heat and thirst.
This prescription treats heat at qi aspect but fluid is insufficient. Therefore, on the basis of White Tiger Decoction clearing heat and promoting fluid production, Ginseng is added. tonifying qi and producing fluid. Zhang Xi-chun Yixue Zhongzhong Canxilu‧ says that this recipe "produces Chinese Yam to replace rice, The more reliable the prescription will be, the faster the results will be."
[Modern application]
Antipyretic, antibacterial, improve immunity, lower blood sugar. It is mainly used for patients with lobar pneumonia, Japanese encephalitis, and diabetes who have mild fever, unresolved polydipsia, sweating, slight aversion to cold on the back, and heavy pulse with inability to retrieval.