 Shen Yaozi 
Fang nameSalvia Decoction
sourceShifang Gegua
[Preparation method and dosage]

Salvia (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) 30gm (1 liǎng)
Sandalwood (Lignum Santali Albi) 5gm (1.5 qian)
Villous Amomum Fruit (Fructus Amomi) 5gm (1.5 qian)

Decocted in water, take 2 times a day, 2 doses a day.


invigorating blood and resolving stasis, moving qi to relieve pain.


blood stasis Qi stagnation, heart and stomach pains.

  1. It has multiple effects on treating heart pain, stomachache, and various pains, and is more effective on women.
  2. To treat heart and stomach pains, taking hot medicine is ineffective.


The initial pain is qi knot in the meridians, and the long-term pain is blood stagnation in the meridians. Salvia is used in the prescription to invigorate blood and resolving stasis to relieve pain; sandalwood and Villous Amomum Fruit regulate the temperature and smooth the stomach. The three medicines work together to make the qi and blood flow smoothly, and the qi and blood can be harmonized, and the pain will be eliminated.

[Modern application]

Modern medicine believes that this prescription dilates blood vessels, anticoagulates, adjusts gastrointestinal function, and relieves pain. Mainly used for: stomach and duodenal bulb ulcer, chronic gastritis, coronary heart disease, colicky pain, gastric neuropathy, chronic hepatitis, dysmenorrheal, heart, chest, epigastric and abdominal pain, stuffiness, tongue texture dark red, pulse stringy.
