Fang name | Donkey-hide Gelatin and Artemisia Decoction |
alias | Sichuan Lovage, Angelica, Donkey-hide Gelatin and Artemisia Decoction |
nourishing blood and stopping bleeding, regulating menstruation and calming fetus.Women with Chong and Ren deficiency have blood deficiency and cold syndrome/pattern. metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hypermenorrhea, continuous dripping, postpartum or late abortion injury, Chongren, continuous bleeding; or pregnancy abdominal pain during pregnancy, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, abdominal pain.
This recipe is made from Four Ingredients Decoction plus Donkey-hide Gelatin, Mugwort, Liquorice Root It is suitable for those with Jingshui dripping caused by deficiency of the Chong-Ren pulse, and those with prenatal and postpartum bleeding that will be decocted later. Donkey-hide Gelatin tonifying blood and calming fetus to stop bleeding; Mugwort to warm menstruation and stop bleeding and calming fetus to relieve pain; Chinese Angelica , Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, Peony Root, Rehmannia for Four Ingredients Decoction, nourishing blood and regulating blood, regulating blood Both the Chong and Ren meridians are minister medicinal; Liquorice Root strengthens the spleen and regulates the heart, and can be used with Peony Root to relieve pain and relieve pain. Combined with Donkey-hide Gelatin It can also enhance the hemostatic function. The combination of various medicines mainly nourishes blood and stops bleeding, and also regulates menstruation and calming fetus.
[Key points of syndrome differentiation]Modern medicine believes that this prescription reduces capillary permeability, promotes blood coagulation, regulates uterus function, promotes red blood cell production, and protects pregnancy. Mainly used for: threatened late abortion, postpartum uterus incomplete involution, functional uterus bleeding, uterus dyscontraction, gastrointestinal bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura, anal bleeding, hemorrhoidal bleeding, and hematuria. See metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hypermenorrhea, persistent dripping, dark blood, complexion or threatened abortion, pale tongue with white coating, and thready pulse.