Fang name | Small Thistle Decoction |
cooling blood and stopping bleeding, diuresis and diuresis.
lower energizer blood stranguria.
This recipe comes from Jisheng Fang, from Xiao'er Yaozheng Zhijue's Redness-Removing Powder ( Unprocessed Rehmannia Root, Akebia Stem, Liquorice Root, Lophatherum Herb) are flavored. Redness-Removing Powder can clear the heart and cool blood, purge the fire of lower energizer small intestine, and is used to treat heart-heat in children, or the syndrome of heart-heat moving to the small intestine. Small Thistle Decoction is based on this recipe and is flavored to become a cooling blood and stopping bleeding agent, a diuretic and stranguria agent, used to treat lower energizer, blood stranguria.
The main ingredient in the formula is Small Thistle cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Supplemented with lotus rhizome node and Typha to help cool blood and stop bleeding, it can also remove blood stasis and stop bleeding without leaving blood stasis. Unprocessed Rehmannia Root, Gardenia clears heat, cools blood, stops bleeding, cools and guides it, so as to exhaust its heat. Akebia Stem, Bamboo Leaf, Talc clear away heat, diuretic and relieve stranguria, light and infiltrating, allowing evil heat to escape from the lower orifices. . Chinese Angelica It is warm in nature, invigorating blood and nourishing blood. It not only prevents excessive coldness of various medicines, but also induces meridian tropism. All of the above are assistant medicinal. Liquorice Root relieves pain and relieves pain, reconciles various medicines, and is a guiding medicinal. [Modern application]Modern medicine believes that this prescription is hemostatic, diuretic, antipyretic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Mainly used for: acute urinary tract infection, urinary tract stones, blood in urine or hematuria, frequent urination, redness, heat and pain, red tongue texture, thin yellow fur, and rapid pulse.