 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameInula and Hematite Decoction
sourceTreatise On Typhoid And Death
[Preparation method and dosage]

Inula Flower (Flos Inulae) 9gm (3 liǎng)
Fresh Ginger Rhizome (Rhizoma Zingiberis) 15gm (5 liǎng)
Ginseng (Radix Ginseng) 6gm (2 liǎng)
Hematite (Haematitum) 3gm (1 liǎng)
Liquorice Root (Radix Glycyrrhizae) roasted 9gm (3 liǎng)
Pineilia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) washed 12gm (half shēng)
Chinese Date (Fructus Jujubae) split 12 pieces

the above 7 ingredients, 1 shēng of water, decoted to 600 ml, drained, then decocted to 300 ml, administered while warm 1 shēng, administered 3 times a day.


descending qi and resolving phlegm, tonifying qi and stomach.


Stomach qi deficiency is weak, phlegm is turbid internal obstruction, epigastric stuffiness is hard, and belching is not removed.


Fangzhong Inula Flower dispersing phlegm, Hematite, the main force, Pineilia, Fresh Ginger Rhizome resolving phlegm to stop vomiting, Ginseng, Chinese Date, Liquorice Root tonifying qi and stomach. All medicines are used together to descending qi and resolving phlegm, tonifying qi and harmonizing the stomach.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

  1. Stomach deficiency refers to turbid phlegm.
  2. belching frequently.
  3. Gastric stuffiness.
  4. tongue coating is white and smooth.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. Stomach cold or severe: add Dried Ginger, Clove.
  2. More phlegm: Add Dried Tangerine Peel, Poria.
  3. Stomach yin deficiency: Add Ophiopogon Tuber, Dendrobium.
  4. Food stagnation: add hawthorn fruit and inner gold.
  5. If there is heat and the fur is slightly yellow: add Coptis Rhizome and Skullcap Root.
  6. Epigastric stuffiness is full: add Immature Orange Fruit, Platycodon Root.

[Modern application]

Modern medicine believes that this prescription can enhance gastric motility and emptying. Mainly used for gastric neuropathy, chronic gastritis, ulcer disease, incomplete pyloric obstruction, weak stomach qi deficiency, phlegm turbid internal obstruction, gastric stuffiness, frequent belching, and spitting. By.

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