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 Shen Yaozi 
formula nameCimicifuga and Pueraria Decoction
sourceXiao'er Yaozheng Zhijue
[Preparation method and dosage]

Pueraria Root (Radix Puerariae) 5gm
Cimicifuga Rhizome (Rhizoma Cimicifugae) 5gm
Peony Root (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 5gm
Liquorice Root (Radix Glycyrrhizae) 5gm


Releasing flesh, expelling pathogen through exterior removing toxin.


  1. Treat Yangming disease caused by cold apoplexy, headache and body aches, fever aversion to cold, without sweating, thirst, eye pain, dry nose, do not lie down.
  2. Measles are not present or are present but not penetrated. Symptoms include fever aversion to wind, headache, body aches, sneezing, cough, red eye, thirst, red tongue with dry coating, and floating pulse.


In the formula, Cimicifuga Rhizome is sweet and slightly cold, promoting eruption removing toxin; Pueraria is sweet and spicy, releasing the flesh and outthrusting rashes, promoting fluid production to quench thirst, and the two flavors match well. , not only the effect of clearing away heat and releasing flesh is doubled, but also the power of promoting eruption is more profound; Red Peony Root and nourishing diarrhea heat, used together with Liquorice Root, nourishing yin and harmonizing Among them, Liquorice Root can also harmonize various medicines, tonifying qi and detoxifying.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

During the epidemic period of measles, this prescription can be used if children are sneezing and tearing, have fever dysphoria, and the rash is not smooth (but faint rash spots can be seen on the head, face and behind the ears).

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. For measles that are not yet penetrated: add cicada slough, Mentha, Schizonepeta to clear heat and outthrusting rashes .
  2. For patients with opaque rash and partial yin deficiency: add Scrophularia Root, Ophiopogon Tuber, Anemarrhena.
  3. For those with opaque rash and partial deficiency: use Ephedra, Asarum and Aconite Decoction or Ginseng and Aconite Decoction.
  4. For those with fever or even shortness of breath: use Ephedra, Bitter Apricot Seed, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction or Purple Snow Bolus.
  5. cough: Add White Mulberry Root-Bark, Platycodon Root.
  6. Sore throat: add Platycodon Root, Liquorice Root, common andrographis herb.
  7. headache: Add Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, Dahurian Angelica.
  8. Body pain and back strength: Add Notopterygium and Saposhnikovia Root.
  9. Shangge Very hot: add Skullcap Root, Mentha.
  10. High fever that persists: add Bupleurum, Skullcap Root, Saposhnikovia Root.

[Attention to taboos]

This prescription should be used sooner rather than later. If the poisonous heat is strong and invades inward, this prescription will not be able to do anything.

[Modern application]

Flu, measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, viral pneumonia, shingles, psoriasis, tonsillitis, skin disease, eye disease.

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