 Shen Yaozi 
Fang nameEphedra, Asarum and Aconite Decoction
sourceTreatise On Typhoid And Death
[Preparation method and dosage]

Ephedra (Herba Ephedrae) 6gm (2 liǎng)
Aconite Lateral Root (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata) prepared, peeled, broken into eight pieces 9gm (1 piece)
Asarum (Herba Asari) 6gm (2 liǎng)

The above 3 ingredients, use 1 dǒu of water, boil the ephedra first, reduce 2 shēng, remove scum; all the medicines inside, decoted to 3 shēng, remove the scum, administer while warm 1 shēng, administer 3 times a day.


warming meridians and releasing the external.


yang deficiency exterior cold syndrome/pattern. Aversion to cold means severe fever, somnolence, without sweating, and a heavy pulse.


We treat shaoyin disease and yang deficiency exterior cold syndrome/pattern in Shanghan Lun. Fangzhong Ephedra releasing exterior with pungent-warm, releasing exterior and dissipating cold; Aconite Lateral Root warms the meridian and helps yang, dissipating cold to relieve pain, altogether sovereign medicinal , the two flavors combined can boost yang qi, open and discharging skin and hair, and encourage evil to go out, without causing damage to yang due to sweating. Used with Asarum to warm the exterior and interior, it can not only help Ephedra induce sweating to releasing exterior, but also help Aconite Lateral Root warming meridian and dissipating cold. Although the medicine only has three flavors, it can dissipate the cold evil caused by external contraction and replenish the yang caused by interior deficiency, which together have the effect of assisting yang and releasing the external.

[Key points of syndrome differentiation]

  1. aversion to cold severe fever light.
  2. Lukewarm limbs.
  3. Light tongue with white coating.
  4. Pulse sinks.

[Addition and subtraction]

  1. Chest tightness: add Salvia and Red Peony Root.
  2. qi deficiency: Add Astragalus Root, Liquorice Root.
  3. yang deficiency edema external contraction People with wind and cold: True Warrior Decoction can be used.
  4. Stubborn headache: Can be combined with Cinnamon Twig Decoction.

[Attention to taboos]

The syndrome treated by this prescription refers to yang deficiency due to external factors, not yang deficiency. If diarrhea with undigested food has already occurred due to yang deficiency, even if there is external contraction, sweating cannot occur anymore, otherwise reversal cold of limbs yang exhaustion will occur.

[Modern application]

This prescription induces sweating, reduces fever and strengthens the heart. Used for upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, asthma, interstitial pneumonia, spontaneous pneumothorax, wind-dampness heart disease, facial nerve palsy, headache, arthritis, urinary tract stones, enuresis, nephritis, urinary retention, allergic rhinitis, Optic atrophy, urticaria measles, chronic pharyngitis.

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